BitTorrent Трекер |
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Автор: | ivangord [ 2012-09-08 12:28 ] |
Заголовок сообщения: | нотисы |
люди добрые, помогите с нотисами Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/host1258867/ on line 224 Warning: join() [function.join]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/host1258867/ on line 226 <?php if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) die(basename(__FILE__)); global $bb_cfg, $t_data, $poster_id, $is_auth, $dl_link_css, $dl_status_css; $change_peers_bgr_over = true; $bgr_class_1 = 'row1'; $bgr_class_2 = 'row2'; $bgr_class_over = 'row3'; $show_peers_limit = 300; $max_peers_before_overflow = 20; $peers_overflow_div_height = '400px'; $peers_div_style_normal = 'padding: 3px;'; $peers_div_style_overflow = "padding: 6px; height: $peers_overflow_div_height; overflow: auto; border: 1px inset;"; $s_last_seed_date_format = 'Y-m-d'; $upload_image = '<img src="images/icon_dn.gif.png" alt="" border="0" />'; $peers_cnt = $seed_count = $leech_count = 0; $seeders = $leechers = ''; $tor_info = array(); $template->assign_vars(array( 'SEED_COUNT' => false, 'LEECH_COUNT' => false, 'TOR_SPEED_UP' => false, 'TOR_SPEED_DOWN' => false, 'SHOW_RATIO_WARN' => false, )); // Define show peers mode (count only || user names with complete % || full details) $cfg_sp_mode = $bb_cfg['bt_show_peers_mode']; $get_sp_mode = (isset($_GET['spmode'])) ? $_GET['spmode'] : ''; $s_mode = 'count'; if ($cfg_sp_mode == SHOW_PEERS_NAMES) { $s_mode = 'names'; } else if ($cfg_sp_mode == SHOW_PEERS_FULL) { $s_mode = 'full'; } if ($bb_cfg['bt_allow_spmode_change']) { if ($get_sp_mode == 'names') { $s_mode = 'names'; } else if ($get_sp_mode == 'full') { $s_mode = 'full'; } } $bt_topic_id = $t_data['topic_id']; $bt_user_id = $userdata['user_id']; $attach_id = $attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['attach_id']; $tracker_status = $attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['tracker_status']; $download_count = $attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['download_count']; $tor_file_size = humn_size($attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['filesize']); $tor_file_time = bb_date($attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['filetime']); $thanks = $attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['thanks']; $thanked = $attachments['_'. $post_id][$i]['thanked']; $tor_reged = (bool) $tracker_status; $show_peers = (bool) $bb_cfg['bt_show_peers']; $locked = ($t_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED || $t_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED); $tor_auth = ($bt_user_id != ANONYMOUS && (($bt_user_id == $poster_id && !$locked) || $is_auth['auth_mod'])); $tor_auth_reg = ($tor_auth && $t_data['allow_reg_tracker'] && $post_id == $t_data['topic_first_post_id']); $tor_auth_del = ($tor_auth && $tor_reged); $tracker_link = ($tor_reged) ? $lang['BT_REG_YES'] : $lang['BT_REG_NO']; $download_link = "download.php?id=$attach_id"; $description = ($comment) ? $comment : preg_replace("#.torrent$#i", '', $display_name); if ($tor_auth_reg || $tor_auth_del) { $reg_tor_url = '<a class="txtb" href="#" onclick="ajax.exec({ action: \'change_torrent\', attach_id : '. $attach_id .', type: \'reg\'}); return false;">'. $lang['BT_REG_ON_TRACKER'] .'</a>'; $unreg_tor_url = '<a class="txtb" href="#" onclick="ajax.exec({ action: \'change_torrent\', attach_id : '. $attach_id .', type: \'unreg\'}); return false;">'. $lang['BT_UNREG_FROM_TRACKER'] .'</a>'; $tracker_link = ($tor_reged) ? $unreg_tor_url : $reg_tor_url; } if (!$tor_reged) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach.tor_not_reged', array( 'DOWNLOAD_NAME' => $display_name, 'TRACKER_LINK' => $tracker_link, 'ATTACH_ID' => $attach_id, 'S_UPLOAD_IMAGE' => $upload_image, 'U_DOWNLOAD_LINK' => $download_link, 'FILESIZE' => $tor_file_size, 'DOWNLOAD_COUNT' => sprintf($lang['DOWNLOAD_NUMBER'], $download_count), 'POSTED_TIME' => $tor_file_time, )); if ($comment) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach.tor_not_reged.comment', array('COMMENT' => $comment)); } } else { $sql = "SELECT bt.*, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_rank FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." bt LEFT JOIN ". BB_USERS ." u ON(bt.checked_user_id = u.user_id) WHERE bt.attach_id = $attach_id"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain torrent information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $tor_info = DB()->sql_fetchrow($result); DB()->sql_freeresult($result); } if ($tor_reged && !$tor_info) { DB()->query("UPDATE ". BB_ATTACHMENTS_DESC ." SET tracker_status = 0 WHERE attach_id = $attach_id"); bb_die('Torrent status fixed'); } if ($tor_auth) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'TOR_CONTROLS' => true, 'TOR_ATTACH_ID' => $attach_id, )); if ($t_data['self_moderated'] || $is_auth['auth_mod']) { $template->assign_vars(array('AUTH_MOVE' => true)); } } if ($tor_reged && $tor_info) { $tor_size = ($tor_info['size']) ? $tor_info['size'] : 0; $tor_id = $tor_info['topic_id']; $tor_type = $tor_info['tor_type']; // Magnet link $passkey = DB()->fetch_row("SELECT auth_key FROM ". BB_BT_USERS ." WHERE user_id = ". (int) $bt_user_id ." LIMIT 1"); $tor_magnet = create_magnet($tor_info['info_hash'], $passkey['auth_key'], $userdata['session_logged_in']); // ratio limits $min_ratio_dl = $bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_allow_dl_tor']; $min_ratio_warn = $bb_cfg['bt_min_ratio_warning']; $dl_allowed = true; $user_ratio = 0; if (($min_ratio_dl || $min_ratio_warn) && $bt_user_id != $poster_id) { $sql = "SELECT u.*, dl.user_status FROM ". BB_BT_USERS ." u LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_DLSTATUS ." dl ON dl.user_id = $bt_user_id AND dl.topic_id = $bt_topic_id WHERE u.user_id = $bt_user_id LIMIT 1"; } else { $sql = "SELECT user_status FROM ". BB_BT_DLSTATUS ." WHERE user_id = $bt_user_id AND topic_id = $bt_topic_id LIMIT 1"; } $bt_userdata = DB()->fetch_row($sql); $user_status = isset($bt_userdata['user_status']) ? $bt_userdata['user_status'] : null; if (($min_ratio_dl || $min_ratio_warn) && $user_status != DL_STATUS_COMPLETE && $bt_user_id != $poster_id && $tor_type != TOR_TYPE_GOLD) { if (($user_ratio = get_bt_ratio($bt_userdata)) !== null) { $dl_allowed = ($user_ratio > $min_ratio_dl); } if ((isset($user_ratio) && isset($min_ratio_warn) && $user_ratio < $min_ratio_warn && TR_RATING_LIMITS) || ($bt_userdata['u_down_total'] < MIN_DL_FOR_RATIO)) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'SHOW_RATIO_WARN' => true, 'RATIO_WARN_MSG' => sprintf($lang['BT_RATIO_WARNING_MSG'], $min_ratio_dl, $bb_cfg['ratio_url_help']), )); } } if($bb_cfg['similar_topics']) { global $title_match, $datastore; if (!$forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums')) { $datastore->update('cat_forums'); $forums = $datastore->get('cat_forums'); } $title_match = true; $search_match_topics_csv = ''; $row_title = explode(" ", $t_data['topic_title']); foreach($row_title as $title) { if(isset($i) && !($i < $bb_cfg['similar_title'])) continue; if(mb_strlen($title, 'UTF-8') > $bb_cfg['similar_title_len']) { $titles[] = $title; $i++; } } if(empty($titles)) $titles = $row_title[1]; $title_match_sql = clean_text_match(join(' ', $titles), true, false, false); $title_match_topics = get_title_match_topics($title_match_sql, array()); $search_match_topics_csv = join(',', $title_match_topics); if($search_match_topics_csv) { $trash_forums = $bb_cfg['trash_forum_id'] ? $bb_cfg['trash_forum_id'] : '0'; $similar = DB()->fetch_rowset("SELECT t.*, u.*, u2.username as last_username, u2.user_id as last_user_id, u2.user_rank as last_user_rank, tor.*, ts.seeders, ts.leechers FROM ". BB_TOPICS ." t LEFT JOIN ". BB_USERS ." u ON(t.topic_poster = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN ". BB_POSTS ." p ON(p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id) LEFT JOIN ". BB_USERS ." u2 ON(p.poster_id = u2.user_id) LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." tor ON(t.topic_id = tor.topic_id) LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_TRACKER_SNAP ." ts ON(tor.topic_id = ts.topic_id) WHERE t.topic_id IN($search_match_topics_csv) AND t.topic_id != {$t_data['topic_id']} AND t.topic_id = tor.topic_id GROUP BY tor.topic_id ORDER BY t.topic_last_post_time DESC LIMIT {$bb_cfg['similar_topics']} "); if($similar) { $page_cfg['use_tablesorter'] = true; $template->assign_vars(array( 'SIMILAR_TOPICS' => true, )); foreach ($similar as $row) { $is_unread = is_unread($row['topic_last_post_time'], $row['topic_id'], $row['forum_id']); $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach.similar', array( 'POST_ID' => $row['topic_first_post_id'], 'TOPIC_ID' => $row['topic_id'], 'TOPIC_TITLE' => wbr(str_short($row['topic_title'], 70)), 'FULL_TOPIC_TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'FORUM_NAME' => $forums['forum'][$row['forum_id']]['forum_name'], 'U_FORUM' => FORUM_URL . $row['forum_id'], 'REPLIES' => $row['topic_replies'], 'VIEWS' => $row['topic_views'], 'POSTER' => profile_url($row), 'AUTHOR' => profile_url(array('user_id' => $row['last_user_id'], 'username' => $row['last_username'], 'user_rank' => $row['last_user_rank'])), 'LAST_POST_TIME' => bb_date($row['topic_last_post_time']), 'LAST_POST_ID' => $row['topic_last_post_id'], 'IS_UNREAD' => $is_unread, 'TOPIC_ICON' => get_topic_icon($row, $is_unread), 'PAGINATION' => ($row['topic_status'] == TOPIC_MOVED) ? '' : build_topic_pagination(TOPIC_URL . $row['topic_id'], $row['topic_replies'], $bb_cfg['posts_per_page']), 'SEEDERS' => ($row['seeders']) ? $row['seeders'] : 0, 'LEECHERS' => ($row['leechers']) ? $row['leechers'] : 0, 'TOR_SIZE' => humn_size($row['size']), 'COMPL_CNT' => $row['complete_count'], 'ATTACH_ID' => $row['attach_id'], 'TOR_FROZEN' => (!IS_AM) ? isset($bb_cfg['tor_frozen'][$row['tor_status']]) : '', 'TOR_STATUS_ICON' => $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$row['tor_status']], 'TOR_STATUS_TEXT' => $lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME'][$row['tor_status']], )); } } } } $cd_size = 734003200; // (размер болванки CD 700 Mb) $dvd_size = 4831838208; // (размер болванки DVD 4.5Gb) if ($tor_size > $cd_size) { $resize = number_format($tor_size/$dvd_size, 2, ".",""); $int_disc = ceil($resize); $type = 'DVD'; } else { $resize = number_format($tor_size/$cd_size, 2, ".",""); $int_disc = ceil($resize); $type = 'CD'; } if ($int_disc <= 1) $disc = 'болванка'; elseif ($int_disc > 1 && $int_disc <= 4) $disc = 'болванки'; else if ($int_disc > 4) $disc = 'болванок'; $disc_size = ' (Размер: '.humn_size($tor_size).' занимает '.$resize.' '.$type.', для записи нужно: '.$int_disc.' '.$disc.' '.$type.'R/RW)'; if (!$dl_allowed) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach.tor_reged', array()); $template->assign_vars(array( 'TOR_BLOCKED' => true, 'TOR_BLOCKED_MSG' => sprintf($lang['BT_LOW_RATIO_FOR_DL'], round($user_ratio, 2), "search.php?dlu=$bt_user_id&dlc=1"), )); } else { // dj_maxx: add release rating $sql = "SELECT voter_id, rating_value FROM bb_bt_rating WHERE attach_id=$attach_id"; if (!$result = DB()->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain torrent rating information tcccccccc', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } // $voters_rowset = DB()->sql_fetchrowset($result); $num_voters = DB()->num_rows($result); DB()->sql_freeresult($result); // $already_voted = 0; $current_rating = 0; $vote_sum = 0; if ($num_voters > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_voters; $i++) { $vote_sum += $voters_rowset[$i]['rating_value']; if ($voters_rowset[$i]['voter_id'] == $userdata['user_id']) { $already_voted = 1; } } $current_rating = $vote_sum / $num_voters; } // end of $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach.tor_reged', array( 'DOWNLOAD_NAME' => $display_name, 'TRACKER_LINK' => $tracker_link, 'ATTACH_ID' => $attach_id, 'TOR_SILVER_GOLD' => $tor_type, // torrent status mod 'TOR_FROZEN' => (!IS_AM) ? (isset($bb_cfg['tor_frozen'][$tor_info['tor_status']]) && !(isset($bb_cfg['tor_frozen_author_download'][$tor_info['tor_status']]) && $userdata['user_id'] == $tor_info['poster_id'])) ? true : '' : '', 'TOR_STATUS_TEXT' => $lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME'][$tor_info['tor_status']], 'TOR_STATUS_ICON' => $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$tor_info['tor_status']], 'TOR_STATUS_BY' => ($tor_info['checked_user_id'] && $is_auth['auth_mod']) ? ('<span title="'. bb_date($tor_info['checked_time'], 'd-M-Y H:i') .'"> · '. profile_url($tor_info) .' · <i>'. delta_time($tor_info['checked_time']) . $lang['BACK'] .'</i></span>') : '', 'TOR_STATUS_SELECT' => build_select('sel_status', array_flip($lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME']), TOR_APPROVED), 'TOR_STATUS_REPLY' => $bb_cfg['tor_comment'] && !IS_GUEST && in_array($tor_info['tor_status'], $bb_cfg['tor_reply']) && $userdata['user_id'] == $tor_info['poster_id'] && $t_data['topic_status'] != TOPIC_LOCKED, //end torrent status mod 'S_UPLOAD_IMAGE' => $upload_image, 'U_DOWNLOAD_LINK' => $download_link, 'DL_LINK_CLASS' => (isset($bt_userdata['user_status'])) ? $dl_link_css[$bt_userdata['user_status']] : 'genmed', 'DL_TITLE_CLASS' => (isset($bt_userdata['user_status'])) ? $dl_status_css[$bt_userdata['user_status']] : 'gen', 'FILESIZE' => $tor_file_size, 'MAGNET' => $tor_magnet, 'DOWNLOAD_COUNT' => sprintf($lang['DOWNLOAD_NUMBER'], $download_count), 'REGED_TIME' => bb_date($tor_info['reg_time']), 'REGED_DELTA' => delta_time($tor_info['reg_time']), 'TORRENT_SIZE' => humn_size($tor_size), 'INFOHASH' => bin2hex($tor_info['info_hash']), 'DISC_SIZE' => $disc_size, 'COMPLETED' => sprintf($lang['DOWNLOAD_NUMBER'], $tor_info['complete_count']), // dj_maxx: add release rating 'ATTACH_ID' => $attach_id, 'ALREADY_VOTED' => $already_voted, 'VOTED' => $lang['RATE_AVERAGE'] . '<b>'.number_format($current_rating, 1, '.', ''). '</b> ('.$num_voters.$lang['RATE_VOTES'].($already_voted ? $lang['RATE_YOUR'] : $lang['RATE_NOTVOTED']).')', // helper parameters to avoid unnecessary query in rate.php during average rating calculation 'VOTE_SUM' => $vote_sum, 'NUM_VOTERS' => $num_voters, // for determining number of stars 'ROUNDED_RATING' => $already_voted ? floor($current_rating) : 1, // end of //Thanks mod 'THANKED' => '<span id="VT'.$attach_id.'">'. $thanks .'</span>' . ($thanked || ($userdata['user_id'] == $poster_id) ? '' : '<span id="VB'.$attach_id.'">'. ' <img src="images/sps.gif" onClick="this.disabled=true;ajax_do(\'' . "thanks.php?mode=thank&a=" . $attach_id .'\');" alt="'. $lang['THANKS'] .'" style="cursor:pointer" /></span>'), // END Thanks mod )); if ($comment) { $template->assign_block_vars('postrow.attach.tor_reged.comment', array('COMMENT' => $comment)); } } if ($bb_cfg['show_tor_info_in_dl_list']) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'SHOW_DL_LIST' => true, 'SHOW_DL_LIST_TOR_INFO' => true, 'TOR_SIZE' => humn_size($tor_size), 'TOR_LONGEVITY' => delta_time($tor_info['reg_time']), 'TOR_COMPLETED' => declension($tor_info['complete_count'], 'times'), )); } // Show peers if ($show_peers) { // Sorting order in full mode if ($s_mode == 'full') { $full_mode_order = 'tr.remain'; $full_mode_sort_dir = 'ASC'; if (isset($_REQUEST['psortasc'])) { $full_mode_sort_dir = 'ASC'; } else if (isset($_REQUEST['psortdesc'])) { $full_mode_sort_dir = 'DESC'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['porder'])) { $peer_orders = array( 'name' => 'u.username', 'ip' => 'tr.ip', 'port' => 'tr.port', 'compl' => 'tr.remain', 'cup' => 'tr.uploaded', 'cdown' => 'tr.downloaded', 'sup' => 'tr.speed_up', 'sdown' => 'tr.speed_down', 'time' => 'tr.update_time', 'client'=> 'tr.client', ); foreach ($peer_orders as $get_key => $order_by_value) { if ($_REQUEST['porder'] == $get_key) { $full_mode_order = $order_by_value; break; } } } } // SQL for each mode if ($s_mode == 'count') { $sql = "SELECT sn.seeders, sn.leechers, sn.speed_up, sn.speed_down, tor.tor_seeders, tor.tor_leechers FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." tor LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_TRACKER_SNAP ." sn ON(sn.topic_id = tor.topic_id) WHERE tor.topic_id = $tor_id LIMIT 1"; } else if ($s_mode == 'names') { $sql = "SELECT tr.user_id, tr.ip, tr.port, tr.client, tr.remain, tr.seeder, u.username, u.user_rank, tor.tor_seeders, tor.tor_leechers FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." tor LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." tr ON(tr.topic_id = tor.topic_id) LEFT JOIN ". BB_USERS ." u ON(u.user_id = tr.user_id) WHERE tor.topic_id = $tor_id GROUP BY tr.ip, tr.user_id, tr.port, tr.client, tr.seeder ORDER BY u.username LIMIT $show_peers_limit"; } else { $sql = "SELECT tr.user_id, tr.ip, tr.port, tr.client, tr.uploaded, tr.downloaded, tr.remain, tr.seeder, tr.releaser, tr.speed_up, tr.speed_down, tr.update_time, u.username, u.user_rank, tor.tor_seeders, tor.tor_leechers FROM ". BB_BT_TORRENTS ." tor LEFT JOIN ". BB_BT_TRACKER ." tr ON(tr.topic_id = tor.topic_id) LEFT JOIN ". BB_USERS ." u ON (u.user_id = tr.user_id) WHERE tor.topic_id = $tor_id AND tr.topic_id = tor.topic_id GROUP BY tr.ip, tr.user_id, tr.port, tr.client, tr.seeder ORDER BY $full_mode_order $full_mode_sort_dir LIMIT $show_peers_limit"; } // Build peers table if ($peers = DB()->fetch_rowset($sql)) { $peers_cnt = count($peers); $cnt = $tr = $sp_up = $sp_down = $sp_up_tot = $sp_down_tot = array(); $cnt['s'] = $tr['s'] = $sp_up['s'] = $sp_down['s'] = $sp_up_tot['s'] = $sp_down_tot['s'] = 0; $cnt['l'] = $tr['l'] = $sp_up['l'] = $sp_down['l'] = $sp_up_tot['l'] = $sp_down_tot['l'] = 0; $max_up = $max_down = $max_sp_up = $max_sp_down = array(); $max_up['s'] = $max_down['s'] = $max_sp_up['s'] = $max_sp_down['s'] = 0; $max_up['l'] = $max_down['l'] = $max_sp_up['l'] = $max_sp_down['l'] = 0; $max_up_id['s'] = $max_down_id['s'] = $max_sp_up_id['s'] = $max_sp_down_id['s'] = ($peers_cnt + 1); $max_up_id['l'] = $max_down_id['l'] = $max_sp_up_id['l'] = $max_sp_down_id['l'] = ($peers_cnt + 1); if ($s_mode == 'full') { foreach ($peers as $pid => $peer) { $x = ($peer['seeder']) ? 's' : 'l'; $cnt[$x]++; $sp_up_tot[$x] += $peer['speed_up']; $sp_down_tot[$x] += $peer['speed_down']; $guest = ($peer['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS || is_null($peer['username'])); $p_max_up = $peer['uploaded']; $p_max_down = $peer['downloaded']; if ($p_max_up > $max_up[$x]) { $max_up[$x] = $p_max_up; $max_up_id[$x] = $pid; } if ($peer['speed_up'] > $max_sp_up[$x]) { $max_sp_up[$x] = $peer['speed_up']; $max_sp_up_id[$x] = $pid; } if ($p_max_down > $max_down[$x]) { $max_down[$x] = $p_max_down; $max_down_id[$x] = $pid; } if ($peer['speed_down'] > $max_sp_down[$x]) { $max_sp_down[$x] = $peer['speed_down']; $max_sp_down_id[$x] = $pid; } } $max_down_id['s'] = $max_sp_down_id['s'] = ($peers_cnt + 1); if ($cnt['s'] == 1) { $max_up_id['s'] = $max_sp_up_id['s'] = ($peers_cnt + 1); } if ($cnt['l'] == 1) { $max_up_id['l'] = $max_down_id['l'] = $max_sp_up_id['l'] = $max_sp_down_id['l'] = ($peers_cnt + 1); } } if ($s_mode == 'count') { $tmp = array(); $tmp[0]['seeder'] = $tmp[0]['username'] = $tmp[1]['username'] = 0; $tmp[1]['seeder'] = 1; $tmp[0]['username'] = (int) @$peers[0]['leechers'] .' (+'.@$peers[0]['tor_leechers'].')'; $tmp[1]['username'] = (int) @$peers[0]['seeders'] .' (+'.@$peers[0]['tor_seeders'].')'; $tor_speed_up = (int) @$peers[0]['speed_up']; $tor_speed_down = (int) @$peers[0]['speed_down']; $peers = $tmp; $template->assign_vars(array( 'TOR_SPEED_UP' => ($tor_speed_up) ? humn_size($tor_speed_up, 0, 'KB') .'/s' : '0 KB/s', 'TOR_SPEED_DOWN' => ($tor_speed_down) ? humn_size($tor_speed_down, 0, 'KB') .'/s' : '0 KB/s', )); } foreach ($peers as $pid => $peer) { $u_prof_href = ($s_mode == 'count') ? '#' : "profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=". $peer['user_id'] ."#torrent"; // Full details mode if ($s_mode == 'full') { $ip = bt_show_ip($peer['ip']); $port = bt_show_port($peer['port']); $client = $peer['client'] ? $peer['client'] : 'Неизвестный Клиент'; $vers = $client; $client = preg_match("/([a-zA-Z]+)\/([\d\.]+)/", $client, $out); $client = $out[1]; $client = '<img src="images/client/'.$client.'.png" border="0" title="'.$vers.'" />'; // peer max/current up/down $p_max_up = $peer['uploaded']; $p_max_down = $peer['downloaded']; $p_cur_up = $peer['uploaded']; $p_cur_down = $peer['downloaded']; if ($peer['seeder']) { $x = 's'; $x_row = 'srow'; $x_full = 'sfull'; if (!defined('SEEDER_EXIST')) { define('SEEDER_EXIST', true); $seed_order_action = "viewtopic.php?". POST_TOPIC_URL ."=$bt_topic_id&spmode=full#seeders"; $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full", array( 'SEED_ORD_ACT' => $seed_order_action, 'SEEDERS_UP_TOT' => humn_size($sp_up_tot[$x], 0, 'KB') .'/s' )); if ($ip) { $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.iphead", array()); } if ($port !== false) { $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.porthead", array()); } } $compl_perc = ($tor_size) ? round(($p_max_up / $tor_size), 1) : 0; } else { $x = 'l'; $x_row = 'lrow'; $x_full = 'lfull'; if (!defined('LEECHER_EXIST')) { define('LEECHER_EXIST', true); $leech_order_action = "viewtopic.php?". POST_TOPIC_URL ."=$bt_topic_id&spmode=full#leechers"; $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full", array( 'LEECH_ORD_ACT' => $leech_order_action, 'LEECHERS_UP_TOT' => humn_size($sp_up_tot[$x], 0, 'KB') .'/s', 'LEECHERS_DOWN_TOT' => humn_size($sp_down_tot[$x], 0, 'KB') .'/s' )); if ($ip) { $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.iphead", array()); } if ($port !== false) { $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.porthead", array()); } } $compl_size = ($peer['remain'] && $tor_size && $tor_size > $peer['remain']) ? ($tor_size - $peer['remain']) : 0; if($bb_cfg['announce_type'] == 'xbt') { $compl_perc = $peer['complete_percent']; } else { $compl_perc = ($compl_size) ? floor($compl_size * 100 / $tor_size) : 0; } } $rel_sign = (!$guest && $peer['releaser']) ? ' <b><sup>®</sup></b>' : ''; $name = profile_url($peer). $rel_sign; $up_tot = ($p_max_up) ? humn_size($p_max_up) : '-'; $down_tot = ($p_max_down) ? humn_size($p_max_down) : '-'; $up_ratio = ($p_max_down) ? round(($p_max_up / $p_max_down), 2) : ''; $sp_up = ($peer['speed_up']) ? humn_size($peer['speed_up'], 0, 'KB') .'/s' : '-'; $sp_down = ($peer['speed_down']) ? humn_size($peer['speed_down'], 0, 'KB') .'/s' : '-'; $bgr_class = (!($tr[$x] % 2)) ? $bgr_class_1 : $bgr_class_2; $row_bgr = ($change_peers_bgr_over) ? " class=\"$bgr_class\" onmouseover=\"this.className='$bgr_class_over';\" onmouseout=\"this.className='$bgr_class';\"" : ''; $tr[$x]++; $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.$x_row", array( 'ROW_BGR' => $row_bgr, 'NAME' => ($peer['update_time']) ? $name : "<s>$name</s>", 'COMPL_PRC' => $compl_perc, 'UP_TOTAL' => ($max_up_id[$x] == $pid) ? "<b>$up_tot</b>" : $up_tot, 'DOWN_TOTAL' => ($max_down_id[$x] == $pid) ? "<b>$down_tot</b>" : $down_tot, 'SPEED_UP' => ($max_sp_up_id[$x] == $pid) ? "<b>$sp_up</b>" : $sp_up, 'SPEED_DOWN' => ($max_sp_down_id[$x] == $pid) ? "<b>$sp_down</b>" : $sp_down, 'UPD_EXP_TIME' => ($peer['update_time']) ? $lang['DL_UPD'] . bb_date($peer['update_time'], 'd-M-y H:i') .' · '. delta_time($peer['update_time']) . $lang['BACK'] : $lang['DL_STOPPED'], 'TOR_RATIO' => ($up_ratio) ? "UL/DL ratio: $up_ratio" : '', 'CLIENT' => $client, )); if ($ip) { $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.$x_row.ip", array('IP' => $ip)); } if ($port !== false) { $template->assign_block_vars("$x_full.$x_row.port", array('PORT' => $port)); } } // Count only & only names modes else { if ($peer['seeder']) { $seeders .= '<nobr><a href="'. $u_prof_href .'" class="seedmed">'. $peer['username'] .'</a>,</nobr> '; $seed_count = $peer['username']; } else { $compl_size = (@$peer['remain'] && $tor_size && $tor_size > $peer['remain']) ? ($tor_size - $peer['remain']) : 0; $compl_perc = ($compl_size) ? floor($compl_size * 100 / $tor_size) : 0; $leechers .= '<nobr><a href="'. $u_prof_href .'" class="leechmed">'. $peer['username'] .'</a>'; $leechers .= ($s_mode == 'names') ? ' ['. $compl_perc .'%]' : ''; $leechers .= ',</nobr> '; $leech_count = $peer['username']; } } } if ($s_mode != 'full' && $seeders) { $seeders[strlen($seeders)-9] = ' '; $template->assign_vars(array( 'SEED_LIST' => $seeders, 'SEED_COUNT' => ($seed_count) ? $seed_count : '', )); } if ($s_mode != 'full' && $leechers) { $leechers[strlen($leechers)-9] = ' '; $template->assign_vars(array( 'LEECH_LIST' => $leechers, 'LEECH_COUNT' => ($leech_count) ? $leech_count : '', )); } } unset($peers); // Show "seeder last seen info" if (($s_mode == 'count' && !$seed_count) || (!$seeders && !defined('SEEDER_EXIST'))) { $last_seen_time = ($tor_info['seeder_last_seen']) ? delta_time($tor_info['seeder_last_seen']) : $lang['NEVER']; $template->assign_vars(array( 'SEEDER_LAST_SEEN' => sprintf($lang['SEEDER_LAST_SEEN'], $last_seen_time), )); } } $template->assign_block_vars('tor_title', array('U_DOWNLOAD_LINK' => $download_link)); if ($peers_cnt > $max_peers_before_overflow && $s_mode == 'full') { $template->assign_vars(array('PEERS_DIV_STYLE' => $peers_div_style_overflow)); $template->assign_vars(array('PEERS_OVERFLOW' => true)); } else { $template->assign_vars(array('PEERS_DIV_STYLE' => $peers_div_style_normal)); } } if ($bb_cfg['bt_allow_spmode_change'] && $s_mode != 'full' && $seed_count || $leech_count) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'PEERS_FULL_LINK' => true, 'SPMODE_FULL_HREF' => "viewtopic.php?". POST_TOPIC_URL ."=$bt_topic_id&spmode=full#seeders", )); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'SHOW_DL_LIST_LINK' => (($bb_cfg['bt_show_dl_list'] || $bb_cfg['allow_dl_list_names_mode']) && $t_data['topic_dl_type'] == TOPIC_DL_TYPE_DL), 'SHOW_TOR_ACT' => ($tor_reged && $show_peers), 'S_MODE_COUNT' => ($s_mode == 'count'), 'S_MODE_NAMES' => ($s_mode == 'names'), 'S_MODE_FULL' => ($s_mode == 'full'), 'PEER_EXIST' => ($seeders || $leechers || defined('SEEDER_EXIST') || defined('LEECHER_EXIST')), 'SEED_EXIST' => ($seeders || defined('SEEDER_EXIST')), 'LEECH_EXIST' => ($leechers || defined('LEECHER_EXIST')), 'TOR_HELP_LINKS' => $bb_cfg['tor_help_links'], )); |
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