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Cebas Thinking Particles R4 SP3 2010-2012 R4 SP3 x86+x64 [2011, ENG]
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Автор:  Релизер [ 2012-06-02 10:31 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Cebas Thinking Particles R4 SP3 2010-2012 R4 SP3 x86+x64 [2011, ENG]

Cebas Thinking Particles R4 SP3 2010-2012
Год/Дата Выпуска: 2011
Версия: R4 Build SP3
Разработчик: Cebas
Сайт разработчика:
Разрядность: 32bit+64bit
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Совместимость с Windows 7: полная
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Системные требования: 3ds Max 2010-2012
Описание: Долгожданный релиз Thinking Particles для 2012 макса!
SP3 New Features Features
Volume Break Operator: Random Seed has been added
Path Follow Operator: checkbox to turn alignment on/off has been added
SP3 Fixes
Volume Break Operator is now activating correctly by Helper Group
VolumePos is now responding properly to world space warps
MatterWaves operator trigger: birthrate now resets after an operator off
PositionBorn operator trigger: birthrate now resets after an operator off
Born operator trigger: birthrate now resets after an operator off
TP multi material shading with sub multi-materials runs correctly
StdShape, Facing proper alignment with Groups as Objects
Particle Time, vertex color no longer kills mapping coordinates
TP multi-material, multi-threading with particle time is stable
Facing now works correctly with Groups as Objects

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