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 Заголовок сообщения: Total commander 7.55 XCV Edition
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Total commander 7.55 XCV Edition
Год выпуска: 2010
Версия: 7.55
Разработчик: Christian Ghisler
Платформа: Win 95, Win 98, Win ME, Win NT4, Win 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win 7

Совместимость с Vista: полная
Язык интерфейса: русский английский
Таблэтка: не требуется (интегрировано)

Описание: Total Commander - популярный файловый менеджер с практически всеми необходимыми для таких программ функциями. Кроме всех функциональностей, характерных для файловых менеджеров, в Total Commander встроены очень удобные просмотрщики для мультимедиа и графических файлов, распаковщики ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE и дополнительные dll для других архивных файлов; встроенный ftp-клиент - вообще просто прелесть: можно скачивать/закачивать файлы в несколько потоков, есть докачка, поддержка www-прокси при работе с ftp и есть даже такая функция, как подключение-скачивание-отключение в заданное время к заданному ftp.
Ccleaner - очистка реестра, винчестера, автозагрузки, uninstall
ChoiceEditor - выбор приложения, для каждого расширения файла, которым будет редактироваться файл при нажатии клавиши F4
Docx2Rtf - просмотр и конвертирование файлов docx, odt в pdf или rtf формат, а также просмотр файлов pdf, rtf.
PowerOff - миниатюрный планировщик способный запускать приложения в назначенное время, выключать, перезагружать, а также отправлять в спящий или ждущий режим компьютер в запланированное время, или в зависимости от загрузки процессора, или по количеству треков проигранных винампом, также есть встроенная «напоминалка» и многое другое.
LCISOCreator -создание iso образов CD и DVD дисков.
SFX Tool - программа дающая возможность выполнять различные операции с самораспаковывающимися архивами 7z.
UUDiscsStudio - миниатюрная писалка CD и DVD дисков
Nircmd -выполнение различных функций Windows через командную строку (например выключение, перезагрузка ПК, открытие - закрытие лотка CDrom и др.)
AkelPad - замена стандартного блокнота.
Defraggler - небольшая, но очень быстрая программа предназначенная для дефрагментации жёсткого диска.
DeleteDoctor -удаление любых файлов (даже «неудаляемых» например системных).
RegDefrg - дефрагментация реестра.
SRVINSTW - установка или удаление служб Windows.
Upx - упаковка (распаковка) EXE файлов.
Надстройки просмотрщика Lister в данной сборке:
AmpViewLite - воспроизведение audio файлов
ArchView - показывает расширенную информацию о архивах
Excellence - просмотр xls файлов
FileInfo - показывает расширенную информацию об исполняемых файлах
Font - просмотр шрифтов
htmlview - просмотр htm файлов
Imagine - просмотр графических изображений
ListDoc - просмотр doc файлов
Media Show - воспроизведение video файлов
SWFView - просмотр swf файлов
Архиваторные плагины входящие в состав данной сборки:
7zip - распаковка и упаковка 7z архивов
Aviunpack - распаковка и упаковка видео файлов (даёт возможность открыть видео файл как обычный архив при нажатии «ctrl pagedown» правда пока поддерживаются не все кодеки, а тока наиболее распространённые и распаковка больших файлов может занять много времени)
CatalogMaker - создание текстового файла со списком выделенных файлов (в списке отображаются имена папок, а также названия файлов в вложенных папках)
CHMDir - распаковка и упаковка chm файлов
Fobia - Позволяет скрывать файлы на флешке или дискете. (инструкция по использованию в папке плагина)
Gaup - распаковывает большинство архивов в которых находятся данные игрушек (даёт возможность открыть архив с игровыми данными (музыка видео и т.д. при нажатии «ctrl pagedown» )
GifUnpack - распаковка и упаковка gif файлов (даёт возможность открыть gif файл как обычный архив при нажатии «ctrl pagedown»)
ICLRead - просмотр файлов иконок
InstallExplorer - распаковка установочных файлов
ISO - просмотр и распаковка iso и nrg файлов
MultiArc - добавление дополнительных архиваторов
MhtUnPack - распаковка и упаковка mht файлов (даёт возможность открыть mht файл как обычный архив при нажатии «ctrl pagedown»)
Архиваторы входящие в состав данной сборки:
Winrar; Arj; Ace; Zip; 7z; Lha; Uha; Cab; Uc2; и другие.
Также нажав на кнопочку “Сеть” вы найдёте 3 дополнительные возможности:
Копия плохих файлов - копирует файлы с испорченных CD, DVD, и Flopy носителей при помощи BadCopy или NSCopy по выбору пользователя.
Удалённые файлы - восстанавливает удалённые файлы при помощи Back2Life
Registry - доступ к реестру в виде файловой системы (можно добавлять или удалять параметры и др.)

17.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 final
16.06.10 Fixed: Internal unpack function didn't ask to overwrite target if the target directory allowed to write, but not to list the directory contents
16.06.10 Fixed: Do not use CONNECT_PROMPT option for UNC servers in the form \\server, only for shares
16.06.10 Fixed: If PromptForUser=1, do not call connect function if already connected (check via WNetGetUser)
16.06.10 Fixed: cd \\server\share /user: didn't work on the command line
15.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 final (pre2)
15.06.10 Added: Call network connect function with CONNECT_PROMPT option to prompt for user name: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PromptForUser=1
15.06.10 Fixed: FTP: When "Send commands" also contained a CWD command, reconnecting to an ftp server via history went to that directory instead of the directory in the history
14.06.10 Fixed: Problems with tabs when an ftp connection was saved with "@" character in its name (TC tries to reconnect on each tab change)
13.06.10 Added: "cd" command in button bar and user menu: When parameter /user: is added without giving a user name, call connect function with CONNECT_PROMPT option to prompt for user name
13.06.10 Fixed: Look for key file also under %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore on Windows Vista/7 if TC is installed in "Program files" dir (reason: some older mail programs may store the key there!)
13.06.10 Fixed: FTP Upload: File was appended instead of overwritten if the connection was lost before starting the transfer (e.g. timeout)
11.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 final (pre)
09.06.10 Fixed: ZIP packer: Option to store Unicode names in extra fields not working with archives >4GB (problem with extra field creation)
09.06.10 Fixed: When entering a file system plugin, the Network Neighborhood in the separate tree was read in the foreground by mistake
09.06.10 Fixed: FTP auto-resume failed when "Send commands" field contained also a command to change the directory -> execute it before setting the previous dir
08.06.10 Fixed: With VistaDelete=1, place cursor on first not deleted or skipped file
08.06.10 Fixed: With VistaDelete=1, it was no longer possible to move the delete process to the background
08.06.10 Fixed: FTP client: Don't show time for [..] updir item (was shown as 1.1.1601)
08.06.10 Fixed: Compare by content: "Resynchronize from here" could cause an access violation if one of the selected lines was not existing (e.g. behind the end of that file)
08.06.10 Fixed: FTP: Support HASH command also when neither SHA-1 nor MD5 is the default -> use OPTS HASH command to set used method
06.06.10 Fixed: USB port connection not working with option x64DisableRedirection=1
04.06.10 Added: Show '?' in footer in front of the selected and total size while calculation in background is going on
04.06.10 Fixed: Alt F5 pack dialog: Do not modify text when typing e.g. rar: and the rar button is being checked
04.06.10 Fixed: Copy button bar button: Set clipboard code page for users who want to use the data elsewhere
04.06.10 Fixed: Could not connect to FTPS (secure ftp over SSL) sites with x64DisableRedirection=1 (dll load problem in "Connect")

03.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 3

02.06.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Problem with packing to 7zip archives (with plugin), could result in duplicate files
02.06.10 Fixed: Increased maximum number of custom hints from 20 to 100, increased saving speed (when using a virus scanner)
02.06.10 Fixed: F5 copy from archive to Desktop had stopped working again (refresh must be done manually)
02.06.10 Added: Synchronize dirs with FTP when files with same name but different case exist: Find exact name match, e.g. index.htm on both sides, and allow to sync them
02.06.10 Fixed: Also play just a default beep in "Compare by content" when user presses Ctrl C and nothing is selected

01.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 3 (pre2)

01.06.10 Added: HTML Help: All links to external web pages now open separately in the default browser
01.06.10 Fixed: Tree view in one of the two main panels: F7 created dir on Desktop instead of in the directory under the cursor (only works in real directories)
01.06.10 Fixed: Play just a default beep in Lister when user presses Ctrl C and nothing is selected (Reason: Some translation programs seem to send Ctrl C to Lister!)
31.05.10 Added: Synchronize dirs with FTP when files with same name but different case exist, e.g. index.htm INDEX.HTM -> just show these files in red and ignore them (can be viewed or deleted)
31.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: No subdirectory headers were shown when using "Only selected" with some selected dirs, but "Recurse subdirs" turned off (which compares files in these dirs, but not their subdirs)
31.05.10 Fixed: With VistaDelete=1, the file list wasn't refreshed if at least one file couldn't be deleted (because VistaDelete returned an ERROR)
31.05.10 Fixed: USB Port connection: When directory download was aborted immediately before the server sent the SIZE command, no other directories could be listed for a few seconds
31.05.10 Fixed: Bugfix from 24.05.10 when deleting with VistaDelete=1 wasn't working when deleting very large image files (dialog takes longer to appear)
30.05.10 Fixed: In the ftp connection details dialog, when typing ftps:// , the cursor was jumping to the start of the line when the SSL checkbox was checked
30.05.10 Added: Support HASH command (MD5 and SHA-1 only) if announced via FEAT command
30.05.10 Fixed: Call Application.Terminate instead of Halt when user clicks on "No" in plugin exception dialog to avoid double error
30.05.10 Fixed: FTP: Make sure the reconnected path is the same as before when continuing a transfer
30.05.10 Fixed: Compare by contents: Could not abort the comparison for the interactive display (only the initial comparison with progress dialog)
28.05.10 Added: Synchronize dirs: Allow to open "compare by content" via right click menu or Ctrl F3 even when file exits on only one side (was requested to compare file with user-chosen other)

26.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 3 (pre1)

26.05.10 Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect on uploads and downloads when the control connection is lost (e.g. caused by a bug in the Windows 7 firewall when using FTPS)
25.05.10 Fixed: Handle faulty FTP servers returning incomplete reply to FEAT or HELP SITE command (missing last line starting with 3 digit number) via 5 second timeout
25.05.10 Fixed: Multi-rename tool on FTP server: Allow to reconnect if connection is lost while renaming
25.05.10 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: "Change date/time" checkbox wasn't always checked when clicking on "Load from file under cursor"
24.05.10 Fixed: When deleting with VistaDelete=1, ignore the "Cancel" button until after the dialog "Do you want to delete.." has been shown
23.05.10 Fixed: Renaming a directory while showing separate tree could hang TC when Shift F6 was pressed while the tree was still being updated
23.05.10 Fixed: CRC check dialog didn't use user-defined TC icon (via iconlib option in wincmd.ini)
23.05.10 Fixed: Choosing Ctrl F - New connection - Anonymous crashed on Windows 2000
23.05.10 Fixed: Switch from a tab with fs plugin custom columns view to tab with thumbs view, turn off thumbs view -> plugin custom columns were enabled also on local drive
23.05.10 Fixed: Could not abort reading of extremely long directory via port connection (when server sends WAIT commands)
23.05.10 Fixed: TC hangs when trying to unpack 0 byte file created by packer izarcc (reason: compression is set to bzip2, but no data present)
21.05.10 Fixed: TcUsbRun.exe not adding menu items to insert notification dialog on Vista x64 -> need to write to 64-bit registry branch
21.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Main window could become accessible when synchronizing via port connection
21.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Copying was aborted immediately when trying to sync after aborting compare by content (so some [?] results remained)
20.05.10 Fixed: When copying NTFS permissions, also copy the state of the "inherit" flag (whether rights should be inherited from the parent or not)
19.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 2
19.05.10 Fixed: Improved stability of 64 bit parallel port driver
19.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: If the target ftp dir is wrong, show a warning and revert to current dir (or abort in case of copying)
19.05.10 Fixed: Turn off directory cache for USB connection (which is very fast, so caching isn't necessary)
18.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 2 (pre)
18.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs by content with archive: Auto-rename unpacked file in case of name collisions in TEMP dir
18.05.10 Fixed: Uninstaller didn't remove parallel port driver if the first port wasn't LPT1 (but LPT2 or LPT3)
18.05.10 Fixed: Find files, feed in listbox -> Shift Click didn't select anything
18.05.10 Added: Included 64 bit parallel port driver for Windows XP, Vista and 7 x64 (ported to 64 bit by APSoft, Germany)
16.05.10 Fixed: RAR and packer plugins: Couldn't unpack files where the name started with ".\", e.g. .\name.ext
16.05.10 Fixed: TC version number wasn't shown in crash reports of standalone tools started via /S= parameter
16.05.10 Fixed: Show breadcrumb dropdown list, Ctrl Double click on path -> dropdown button was shown again, but didn't work
16.05.10 Fixed: Could not use "Verify checksums" function with files having extension .sha256 or .cfv
16.05.10 Fixed: Keep cursor on archive if opening it with ENTER fails (e.g. because it's an incomplete download)
16.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Deleting empty subdirs from zip no longer working in root after adding fix for dirs in subdirs
16.05.10 Fixed: cm_FtpAddToList would show error "File %s not found!" if it cannot write to the specified list file (e.g. missing access rights)
12.05.10 Fixed: Right click with shift, choose "Run as" fix reported below (26.04.10) not working on Windows 7 because the system uses a different verb "runasuser"
10.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 1
10.05.10 Fixed: Port connection to other PC (LPT or USB): Server could crash when there were too many files with extra-long names in the visited directory
10.05.10 Added: Correctly install and uninstall 64-bit cglptnt.sys (to be added later)
09.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Show error if "change directory" to given path on server fails
09.05.10 Added: Use optimized MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 functions from DCPcrypt Cryptographic Component Library v2, Copyright (c) 1999-2003 David Barton (MIT license)
07.05.10 Added: Check SHA256 checksum files (creation isn't currently supported)
06.05.10 Fixed: cglptnt.sys was not working when there are gaps between LPT ports, e.g. LPT1 LPT3 or just LPT3
06.05.10 Fixed: Parallel port connection had stopped working between beta 7 and 8
06.05.10 Fixed: More crashes when viewing files with F3 from archives and closing the viewer

05.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 1 (pre)

05.05.10 Fixed: FTP: Handling of Abort command during downloads especially with UTF-8
05.05.10 Fixed: Compare by content, edit, click on "Compare", write fails, user chooses other name in write-protected dir -> changes are lost
05.05.10 Fixed: Copy in background transfer manager: Dialog very unresponsive when using low speed limit for copying
05.05.10 Fixed: Copy in background transfer manager: Aborting operation with 'x' button not working when using speed limit
05.05.10 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown button remained visible after Ctr T or Ctrl W if this caused the tab panel to appear/disappear/change height
05.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with ZIP archive: Empty directories could not be deleted if comparison was started in a subdirectory of the zip
05.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with RAR archive not working correctly if the archive contained stored directories with no trailing slash or backslash
05.05.10 Fixed: Crash when searching with options "Unicode" and "Whole words" for text "edit\n"
04.05.10 Fixed: Windows could go to sleep while file operations were active -> use SetThreadExecutionState if available to keep Windows running
28.04.10 Added: New method to install key via clipboard (may be used when TC 7.55 is more common)
28.04.10 Added: Store key also in registry (binary value "key" under Total Commander key) - must be set via keypath=$ in wincmd.ini
28.04.10 Fixed: Scrolling of WMF files, centering and fit to window if the file contains size information
28.04.10 Fixed: Crash when typing text in command line when packaged with Vmware ThinApp. Reason: auto-complete and auto-append (problem with thread local storage)
27.04.10 Fixed: "Copy NTFS permissions" not working for subdirectories in protected directories (via tcmadmin.exe)
27.04.10 Fixed: Abort text search if search length too big (>255 bytes)
27.04.10 Fixed: Lister crashes when trying to search for very long hexadecimal string
27.04.10 Fixed: Show progress bar also when moving files within the same drive
27.04.10 Fixed: Don't show second copy progress bar when "Count marked before copying" isn't checked
27.04.10 Fixed: Option SyncHideHiddenSystem: Value '4' was implemented incorrectly (reversed)
26.04.10 Fixed: When a file is renamed from *.zip to *.exe, don't ask to convert to self-extracting archive if it already is a program file (start with MZ)
26.04.10 Fixed: Right click context menu: Call IContextMenu3.HandleMenuMsg2 instead of IContextMenu2.HandleMenuMsg if available
26.04.10 Fixed: Right click context menu: Show properties dialog at the location of the menu, not a random location
26.04.10 Fixed: Right click with shift, choose "Run as" -> same problem as with cm_OpenAsUser
26.04.10 Fixed: Command cm_OpenAsUser didn't pass current dir to starting program. Contrary to the documentation, the current dir was then %windir%\system32
26.04.10 Fixed: Wrong tab order in "Verify checksums" dialog
25.04.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Failed to create new directories in directories where writing was denied (e.g. Windows directory)
25.04.10 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SyncWarnErrors=1 controls when the user is warned about dir access errors: 0=never, 1=only when access fails (e.g. network connection loss), 2=when access is denied, 3=both
25.04.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: User wasn't warned if reading from a directory failed or was denied
25.04.10 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, function "Load names from file": UTF-8 (with BOM) not handled correctly
25.04.10 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, function "Edit names": Store name with extension .txt, because notepad will otherwise store it as .tmp.txt when using "save as" (the user still needs to save the file to the correct directory)
Более подробно

Total commander 7.55 XCV Edition - Обновлёние сборки.
- Удален AmpViewLite (иногда вызывал ошибку приводящую к порче аудио файлов) его функции теперь выполняет Mmedia
* Обновлены версии большинства компонентов
* Исправлены мелкие ошибки
Тихая установка при запуске инстолятора с ключем /S

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