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 Заголовок сообщения: [Lynda.com] Photoshop for Designers: Color [2012, ENG]
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Photoshop for Designers: Color
Год выпуска: 2012
Производитель: Lynda.com
Автор: Nigel French
Продолжительность: 05h 11m
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
Описание: In Photoshop for Designers: Color, Nigel French focuses on the tools and features in Photoshop designed for choosing, applying, and editing color. The course looks at concepts such as the color wheel and color harmonies as well as the practicalities of using the Color Picker, leveraging the power of color channels, and the characteristics of different color modes in Photoshop. The course includes exercises on correcting color, enhancing color, shifting and replacing colors, working with spot color channels, hand coloring black and white images, and designing with a reduced color palette. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:
* Defining color terms
* Using Kuler to create color palettes
* Understanding additive and subtractive color
* Understanding color management
* Using the Levels, Curves, Auto Tone, and Auto Contrast adjustments
* Color correction
* Selecting color—from the Magic Wand to Color Range
* Neutralizing blacks and whites with blend modes
* Matching colors
* Saturating and de-saturating colors
* Increasing saturation with Vibrance
* Designing with spot color
* Colorizing images
Introduction 01m 41s
Welcome 01m 00s
Using the exercise files 00m 41s
1. Color Concepts 25m 26s
Defining color terms 02m 38s
Understanding the color wheel 04m 03s
Understanding color relationships 01m 07s
Using Kuler to understand color harmony rules and create color palettes 04m 02s
Using the Kuler web site 03m 10s
Colors on screen and on paper 01m 42s
Color as a signifier 03m 14s
Color inspirations 02m 39s
Color and accessibility 02m 51s
2. Working with Color 38m 22s
Demystifying the Color Picker 02m 57s
Understanding the role of foreground and background colors 05m 39s
Choosing colors 06m 41s
Managing swatches 07m 40s
Transparency 09m 42s
Color channels 05m 43s
3. Color Modes 41m 04s
Understanding additive and subtractive color 02m 57s
RGB mode 01m 56s
CMYK mode 02m 41s
Lab mode 03m 49s
Indexed mode 02m 16s
Grayscale mode 05m 00s
Color management 14m 15s
Color depth (8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit) 04m 19s
Monitor calibration 03m 51s
4. Boosting Color and Contrast 26m 43s
Evaluating color with the Histogram panel 03m 18s
Evaluating color with the Info panel 01m 48s
Boosting color with levels 03m 48s
Auto Tone and Auto Contrast 07m 38s
Manually setting the black and white point 03m 50s
Curves 06m 21s
5. Color Balancing and Color Correction 18m 30s
What is color correction? 05m 45s
White balancing in Camera Raw 01m 46s
Color correction with color balance 01m 34s
Color balancing using photo filters 01m 26s
Color correction with variations 04m 27s
Color correction by the numbers 03m 32s
6. Selecting, Shifting, and Replacing Colors 33m 14s
Selecting color with the Magic Wand 04m 43s
Selecting color with the Quick Selection tool 02m 26s
Selecting color with Color Range 04m 00s
Neutralizing whites with the Multiply blend mode 02m 55s
Neutralizing blacks with the Screen blend mode 00m 57s
Masking colors with the Blend If sliders 02m 54s
Masking hair with a channel mask and removing contaminant colors 02m 58s
Shifting targeted colors using Hue/Saturation 05m 04s
Matching colors using Hue/Saturation 03m 16s
Matching colors using the Match Color command 01m 36s
Matching colors using the Color blend modes 02m 25s
7. Saturating and Desaturating Colors 21m 08s
Saturating colors 04m 09s
Desaturating colors 01m 57s
Desaturating in Camera Raw 03m 01s
Creating a color accent with selective saturation 02m 38s
Enhancing a sunrise with a gradient map 05m 49s
Increasing vibrance 01m 19s
Using selective color 02m 15s
8. Designing with Spot Color Channels 32m 42s
Designing with spot colors 12m 15s
Adding a fifth color to a CMYK image 05m 00s
Adding spot colors to a grayscale image 05m 24s
Create a metallic print effect 03m 08s
Creating duotones, tritones, and quadtones 06m 55s
9. Working with a Reduced Color Palette 30m 45s
Creating a silkscreen print look with a limited color palette 07m 59s
Combining color with black and white 02m 22s
Creating a nostalgic travel poster using the Cut Out filter 06m 27s
Mapping an image to a color look up table (CLUT) 07m 56s
Converting to black and white 06m 01s
10. Colorizing Images 41m 54s
Creating a hand-tinted portrait (the easy way) 03m 29s
Creating a hand-tinted portrait (the harder way) 11m 23s
Creating an Andy Warhol look 04m 44s
Applying a gradient map 04m 04s
Sepia toning an image 08m 41s
Color tinting an image 05m 15s
Split toning an image 02m 09s
Working with line art 02m 09s
Conclusion 00m 23s
Goodbye 00m 23s

Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Формат видео: клипы QuickTime (.mov)
Видео: AVC 960x540 16:9 15fps ~120Kbps
Аудио: AAC 48kHz 2ch 128Kbps

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Добавлен: 2012-01-14 00:43 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
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