Railscasts.com, Railslab.newrelic.com, Rubyplus.org (+Gitcasts.com) Абсолютно все скринкасты из данной раздачи можно бесплатно скачать с офф. сайтов. раздача обновлена(добавлены 27 эпизодов Railscasts) Railscasts.com Год выпуска: 2007-2011 Язык: английский Производитель: Ryan Bates (офф. сайт) Описание: Every week Ryan Bates will host a new Railscasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics target the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well. Аудио: MPEG-4 AAC audio, стерео, 44100 Hz. Видео: QuickTime видео (video/quicktime, *.mov), 800 x 600, Run-length encoding, 4 кадра в секунду,
Railslab.newrelic.com Год выпуска: 2009 Язык: английский Производитель: RailsLab (офф. сайт) Описание: скринкасты по перфомансу Ruby on Rails приложений Аудио: MPEG-4 AAC audio, стерео, 44100 Hz. Видео: H.264 (*.mp4), 640 ? 480, 30 кадров в секунду
- Page Responsiveness
- Page Caching
- Cache Expiration
- New Relic RPM
- Advanced Page Caching
- Action Caching
- Fragment Caching
- Memcached
- Taylor Weibley & Databases
- Client-side Caching
- Advanced HTTP Caching
- Jesse Newland & Deployment
- Jim Gochee & Advanced RPM
- Rack & Metal
- Load Testing - Part 1
- Load Testing - Part 2
- Scaling Your Database - Part 1
- Scaling Your Database - Part 2
- On The Edge - Part 1
- On The Edge - Part 2
- On The Edge - Part 3
Rubyplus.org Год выпуска: 2007-2009 Язык: английский Производитель: Bala Paranj (офф. сайт) Описание: скринкасты по Ruby и фреймворку Ruby on Rails Аудио: Quicktime IMA ADPCM, моно, 22050 Hz. Видео: QuickTime видео (video/quicktime, *.mov), Run-length encoding, разрешение и кол-во кадров в секунду различные
- Ruby Blocks - Part 1
- Ruby Blocks - Part 2
- Ruby Blocks - Part 3
- class_eval in Ruby
- Include Vs Extend in Ruby
- Recursion in Ruby
- Modules in Ruby
- Require Vs Load in Ruby
- Alias in Ruby
- eval and binding in Ruby
- send method in Ruby
- class_eval and instance_eval in Ruby
- How to develop Plugins in Rails - The Basics
- How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 2
- How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 3
- How to develop ActiveResource client and server with authentication
- Rolling with Ruby on Rails Revised - Rails 2.0
- How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 4
- AWDR Depot App using Rails 2.0 version
- Extended RESTful Authentication Rails 2.0 App
- Contact Us Feature using Rails 2.0
- AWDR Depot App - Chapter 7 - Displaying the Catalog
- Rich HTML Editor for Rails App
- Nested Resources in Rails 2.0
- RSS Feed in Rails 2.0 and Feedburner
- SEO for Rails app using Acts as Taggable on Steroids and Meta Tags Plugins
- AWDR Depot App - Chapter 8 - Cart Creation
- AWDR Depot App - Chapter 9 - Add a Dash of AJAX
- AWDR Depot App - Chapter 10 - Checkout
- How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 5
- How to upload images in Rails 2.0
- How to export to excel in Rails
- Self Join Basics : SQL and Rails Has One Association
- How to generate diagrams for models in Rails projects
- Full Text Search for Rails apps
- Has One Association in Rails
- Has and Belongs to Many in Rails
- Method Lookup in Ruby
- Logical Operator in Ruby
- Ruby Idioms Part 2 & 3
- Ruby Idioms Part 4
- Ruby Basics
- Ruby Idioms Part 5
- Threequal operator in Ruby
- Spaceship operator in Ruby
- Ruby Idioms Part 6
- Rails Metaprogramming
- Ruby const_set
- Changing Self in Ruby
- define_method in Ruby
- Sake for Rake in Rails
- Ruby Hash
- Keyword Arguments and Ruby
- Ruby Metaclasses
- Ruby Metaclasses part 2
- Ruby Metaclasses part 3
- Ruby Metaclasses part 4
- Higher Order Procedures in Ruby
- Ruby Metaclasses part 5
- Ruby Metaclasses Final Episode
- Ruby 1.9 Features
- ActiveMerchant with Authorize.net in Rails
- Why Ruby is an acceptable LISP?
- Extremely Simple Calendar Integration for Rails
- ActiveMerchant with Authorize.net in Rails Part 2
- How to send emails with pdf attachments using ActionMailer in Rails
- Rush - The Ruby Shell
- Rails with Active Merchant Authorize Net CIM Gateway
- Rails Deployment using RailsMachine
- Extremely Simple PDF Generation in Rails using HTMLDOC
- How to create a SEO sitemap for Rails Apps
- Integrating Rails app with Campaign Monitor API
- Extending ActiveRecord Associations in Rails
- Making Complex Queries using Active Record
- Using Capistrano to import production data to your development database
- Callbacks in Rails 2.0
- Regular Expressions in Ruby Basics - Part 1
- Mining ActiveSupport Object#returning
- Ruby Design Pattern Series - Iterator
- Open Closed Principle in Ruby
- Multiple Selection in Rails View
- Extremely Simple Recurring Billing using ActiveMerchant with Authorize.net
- Reports in ActiveMerchant ARB with Authorize.net in Rails
- Drop Down Box in Rails
- Select Dropdown using Has One Relationship in Rails
- Command Pattern in Ruby
- Introduction to jQuery
- form_for and params in Rails
- fields_for and params in Rails
- fields_for and the index option in Rails
- Association Proxy Method in Rails
- Extremely Simple Photo Album in Rails
- RESTful Rails
- vi editor
Gitcasts.com Год выпуска: 2008 Язык: английский Производитель: Scott Chacon (офф. сайт) Описание: скринкасты по системе контроля версий Git Аудио: MPEG-4 AAC audio, стерео, 44100 Hz. Видео: QuickTime видео (video/quicktime, *.mov), Run-length encoding, 800 x 600
c1-init-final-chapters.mov c2-normal-workflow.mov c3-add-interactive.mov c4-git-log.mov c5-git-browsing.mov c6-branch-merge.mov c7-rebase.mov c8-dist-workflow.mov c9-empty-branch.mov c10-windows-git.mov c11-git-submodules.mov c12-git-diff.mov git-talk.mov
Подкасты SDRuby.com