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Railscasts.com, Railslab.newrelic.com, Rubyplus.org (+Gitcasts.com)
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раздача обновлена(добавлены 27 эпизодов Railscasts)
Год выпуска: 2007-2011
Язык: английский
Производитель: Ryan Bates (офф. сайт)
Описание: Every week Ryan Bates will host a new Railscasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics target the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well.
Аудио: MPEG-4 AAC audio, стерео, 44100 Hz.
Видео: QuickTime видео (video/quicktime, *.mov), 800 x 600, Run-length encoding, 4 кадра в секунду,

  1. Caching with Instance Variables
  2. Dynamic find_by Methods
  3. Find Through Association
  4. Move Find into Model
  5. Using with_scope
  6. Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc
  7. All About Layouts
  8. Layouts and content_for
  9. Filtering Sensitive Logs
  10. Refactoring User Name Part 1
  11. Refactoring User Name Part 2
  12. Refactoring User Name Part 3
  13. Dangers of Model in Session
  14. Performing Calculations on Models
  15. Fun with Find Conditions
  16. Virtual Attributes
  17. HABTM Checkboxes
  18. Looping Through Flash
  19. Where Administration Goes
  20. Restricting Access
  21. Super Simple Authentication
  22. Eager Loading
  23. Counter Cache Column
  24. The Stack Trace
  25. SQL Injection
  26. Hackers Love Mass Assignment
  27. Cross Site Scripting
  28. in_groups_of
  29. group_by Month
  30. Pretty Page Title
  31. Formatting Time
  32. Time in Text Field
  33. Making a Plugin
  34. Named Routes
  35. Custom REST Actions
  36. Subversion on Rails
  37. Simple Search Form
  38. Multibutton Form
  39. Customize Field Error
  40. Blocks in View
  41. Conditional Validations
  42. with_options
  43. AJAX with RJS
  44. Debugging RJS
  45. RJS Tips
  46. Catch-all Route
  47. Two Many-to-Many
  48. Console Tricks
  49. Reading the API
  50. Contributing to Rails
  51. will_paginate
  52. Update through Checkboxes
  53. Handling Exceptions
  54. Debugging with ruby-debug
  55. Cleaning Up the View
  56. The Logger
  57. Create Model Through Text Field
  58. How to Make a Generator
  59. Optimistic Locking
  60. Testing without Fixtures
  61. Sending Email
  62. Hacking ActiveRecord
  63. Model Name in URL
  64. Custom Helper Modules
  65. Stopping Spam with Akismet
  66. Custom Rake Tasks
  67. restful_authentication
  68. OpenID Authentication
  69. Markaby in Helper
  70. Custom Routes
  71. Testing Controllers with RSpec
  72. Adding an Environment
  73. Complex Forms Part 1
  74. Complex Forms Part 2
  75. Complex Forms Part 3
  76. scope_out
  77. Destroy Without JavaScript
  78. Generating PDF Documents
  79. Generate Named Routes
  80. Simplify Views with Rails 2.0
  81. Fixtures in Rails 2.0
  82. HTTP Basic Authentication
  83. Migrations in Rails 2.0
  84. Cookie Based Session Store
  85. YAML Configuration File
  86. Logging Variables
  87. Generating RSS Feeds
  88. Dynamic Select Menus
  89. Page Caching
  90. Fragment Caching
  91. Refactoring Long Methods
  92. make_resourceful
  93. Action Caching
  94. ActiveResource Basics
  95. More on ActiveResource
  96. Git on Rails
  97. Analyzing the Production Log
  98. Request Profiling
  99. Complex Partials
  100. 5 View Tips
  101. Refactoring Out Helper Object
  102. Auto-Complete Association
  103. Site Wide Announcements
  104. Exception Notifications
  105. Gitting Rails 2.1 RC1
  106. Time Zones in Rails 2.1
  107. Migrations in Rails 2.1
  108. named_scope
  109. Tracking Attribute Changes
  110. Gem Dependencies
  111. Advanced Search Form
  112. Anonymous Scopes
  113. Contributing to Rails with Git
  114. Endless Page
  115. Caching in Rails 2.1
  116. Selenium
  117. Semi-Static Pages
  118. Liquid
  119. Session Based Model
  120. Thinking Sphinx
  121. Non Active Record Model
  122. Passenger in Development
  123. Subdomains
  124. Beta Invitations
  125. Dynamic Layouts
  126. Populating a Database
  127. Rake in Background
  128. Starling and Workling
  129. Custom Daemon
  130. Monitoring with God
  131. Going Back
  132. Helpers Outside Views
  133. Capistrano Tasks
  134. Paperclip
  135. Making a Gem
  136. jQuery
  137. Memoization
  138. I18n
  139. Nested Resources
  140. Rails 2.2 Extras
  141. PayPal Basics
  142. PayPal Notifications
  143. PayPal Security
  144. Active Merchant Basics
  145. Integrating Active Merchant
  146. PayPal Express Checkout
  147. Sortable Lists
  148. App Templates in Rails 2.3
  149. Rails Engines
  150. Rails Metal
  151. Rack Middleware
  152. Rails 2.3 Extras
  153. PDFs with Prawn
  154. Polymorphic Association
  155. Beginning with Cucumber
  156. Webrat
  157. RSpec Matchers & Macros
  158. Factories not Fixtures
  159. More on Cucumber
  160. Authlogic
  161. Three Profiling Tools
  162. Tree Based Navigation
  163. Self-Referential Association
  164. Cron in Ruby
  165. Edit Multiple
  166. Metric Fu
  167. More on Virtual Attributes
  168. Feed Parsing
  169. Dynamic Page Caching
  170. OpenID with Authlogic
  171. Delayed Job
  172. Touch and Cache
  173. Screen Scraping with ScrAPI
  174. Pagination with AJAX
  175. AJAX History and Bookmarks
  176. Searchlogic
  177. Model Versioning
  178. 7 Security Tips
  179. Seed Data
  180. Finding Unused CSS
  181. Include vs Joins
  182. Cropping Images
  183. Gemcutter & Jeweler
  184. Formtastic Part 1
  185. Formtastic Part 2
  186. Pickle with Cucumber
  187. Testing Exceptions
  188. Declarative Authorization
  189. Embedded Association
  190. Screen Scraping with Nokogiri
  191. Mechanize
  192. Authorization with CanCan
  193. Tableless Model
  194. MongoDB and MongoMapper
  195. My Favorite Web Apps in 2009
  196. Nested Model Form Part 1
  197. Nested Model Form Part 2
  198. Edit Multiple Individually
  199. Mobile Devices
  200. Rails 3 Beta and RVM
  201. Bundler
  202. Active Record Queries in Rails 3
  203. Routing in Rails 3
  204. XSS Protection in Rails 3
  205. Unobtrusive Javascript
  206. Action Mailer in Rails 3
  207. Syntax Highlighting
  208. ERB Blocks in Rails 3
  209. Introducing Devise
  210. Customizing Devise
  211. Validations in Rails 3
  212. Refactoring & Dynamic Delegator
  213. Calendars
  214. A/B Testing with A/Bingo
  215. Advanced Queries in Rails 3
  216. Generators in Rails 3
  217. Multistep Forms
  218. Making Generators in Rails 3
  219. Active Model
  220. PDFKit
  221. Subdomains in Rails 3
  222. Rack in Rails 3
  223. Charts
  224. Controllers in Rails 3
  225. Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1
  226. Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 2
  227. Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3
  228. Sortable Table Columns
  229. Polling for Changes
  230. Inherited Resources
  231. Routing Walkthrough Part 1
  232. Routing Walkthrough Part 2
  233. Engage with Devise
  234. Simple Form
  235. OmniAuth Part 1
  236. OmniAuth Part 2
  237. Dynamic attr_accessible
  238. Mongoid
  239. ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough
  240. Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX
  241. Simple OmniAuth
  242. Thor
  243. Beanstalkd and Stalker
  244. Gravatar
  245. New Gem with Bundler
  246. AJAX History State
  247. Offline Apps Part 1
  248. Offline Apps Part 2
  249. Notifications in Rails 3
  250. Authentication from Scratch
  251. MetaWhere & MetaSearch
  252. Metrics Metrics Metrics

Год выпуска: 2009
Язык: английский
Производитель: RailsLab (офф. сайт)
Описание: скринкасты по перфомансу Ruby on Rails приложений
Аудио: MPEG-4 AAC audio, стерео, 44100 Hz.
Видео: H.264 (*.mp4), 640 ? 480, 30 кадров в секунду

  1. Page Responsiveness
  2. Page Caching
  3. Cache Expiration
  4. New Relic RPM
  5. Advanced Page Caching
  6. Action Caching
  7. Fragment Caching
  8. Memcached
  9. Taylor Weibley & Databases
  10. Client-side Caching
  11. Advanced HTTP Caching
  12. Jesse Newland & Deployment
  13. Jim Gochee & Advanced RPM
  14. Rack & Metal
  15. Load Testing - Part 1
  16. Load Testing - Part 2
  17. Scaling Your Database - Part 1
  18. Scaling Your Database - Part 2
  19. On The Edge - Part 1
  20. On The Edge - Part 2
  21. On The Edge - Part 3

Год выпуска: 2007-2009
Язык: английский
Производитель: Bala Paranj (офф. сайт)
Описание: скринкасты по Ruby и фреймворку Ruby on Rails
Аудио: Quicktime IMA ADPCM, моно, 22050 Hz.
Видео: QuickTime видео (video/quicktime, *.mov), Run-length encoding, разрешение и кол-во кадров в секунду различные

  1. Ruby Blocks - Part 1
  2. Ruby Blocks - Part 2
  3. Ruby Blocks - Part 3
  4. class_eval in Ruby
  5. Include Vs Extend in Ruby
  6. Recursion in Ruby
  7. Modules in Ruby
  8. Require Vs Load in Ruby
  9. Alias in Ruby
  10. eval and binding in Ruby
  11. send method in Ruby
  12. class_eval and instance_eval in Ruby
  13. How to develop Plugins in Rails - The Basics
  14. How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 2
  15. How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 3
  16. How to develop ActiveResource client and server with authentication
  17. Rolling with Ruby on Rails Revised - Rails 2.0
  18. How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 4
  19. AWDR Depot App using Rails 2.0 version
  20. Extended RESTful Authentication Rails 2.0 App
  21. Contact Us Feature using Rails 2.0
  22. AWDR Depot App - Chapter 7 - Displaying the Catalog
  23. Rich HTML Editor for Rails App
  24. Nested Resources in Rails 2.0
  25. RSS Feed in Rails 2.0 and Feedburner
  26. SEO for Rails app using Acts as Taggable on Steroids and Meta Tags Plugins
  27. AWDR Depot App - Chapter 8 - Cart Creation
  28. AWDR Depot App - Chapter 9 - Add a Dash of AJAX
  29. AWDR Depot App - Chapter 10 - Checkout
  30. How to develop Plugins in Rails - Part 5
  31. How to upload images in Rails 2.0
  32. How to export to excel in Rails
  33. Self Join Basics : SQL and Rails Has One Association
  34. How to generate diagrams for models in Rails projects
  35. Full Text Search for Rails apps
  36. Has One Association in Rails
  37. Has and Belongs to Many in Rails
  38. Method Lookup in Ruby
  39. Logical Operator in Ruby
  40. Ruby Idioms Part 2 & 3
  41. Ruby Idioms Part 4
  42. Ruby Basics
  43. Ruby Idioms Part 5
  44. Threequal operator in Ruby
  45. Spaceship operator in Ruby
  46. Ruby Idioms Part 6
  47. Rails Metaprogramming
  48. Ruby const_set
  49. Changing Self in Ruby
  50. define_method in Ruby
  51. Sake for Rake in Rails
  52. Ruby Hash
  53. Keyword Arguments and Ruby
  54. Ruby Metaclasses
  55. Ruby Metaclasses part 2
  56. Ruby Metaclasses part 3
  57. Ruby Metaclasses part 4
  58. Higher Order Procedures in Ruby
  59. Ruby Metaclasses part 5
  60. Ruby Metaclasses Final Episode
  61. Ruby 1.9 Features
  62. ActiveMerchant with Authorize.net in Rails
  63. Why Ruby is an acceptable LISP?
  64. Extremely Simple Calendar Integration for Rails
  65. ActiveMerchant with Authorize.net in Rails Part 2
  66. How to send emails with pdf attachments using ActionMailer in Rails
  67. Rush - The Ruby Shell
  68. Rails with Active Merchant Authorize Net CIM Gateway
  69. Rails Deployment using RailsMachine
  70. Extremely Simple PDF Generation in Rails using HTMLDOC
  71. How to create a SEO sitemap for Rails Apps
  72. Integrating Rails app with Campaign Monitor API
  73. Extending ActiveRecord Associations in Rails
  74. Making Complex Queries using Active Record
  75. Using Capistrano to import production data to your development database
  76. Callbacks in Rails 2.0
  77. Regular Expressions in Ruby Basics - Part 1
  78. Mining ActiveSupport Object#returning
  79. Ruby Design Pattern Series - Iterator
  80. Open Closed Principle in Ruby
  81. Multiple Selection in Rails View
  82. Extremely Simple Recurring Billing using ActiveMerchant with Authorize.net
  83. Reports in ActiveMerchant ARB with Authorize.net in Rails
  84. Drop Down Box in Rails
  85. Select Dropdown using Has One Relationship in Rails
  86. Command Pattern in Ruby
  87. Introduction to jQuery
  88. form_for and params in Rails
  89. fields_for and params in Rails
  90. fields_for and the index option in Rails
  91. Association Proxy Method in Rails
  92. Extremely Simple Photo Album in Rails
  93. RESTful Rails
  94. vi editor

Год выпуска: 2008
Язык: английский
Производитель: Scott Chacon (офф. сайт)
Описание: скринкасты по системе контроля версий Git
Аудио: MPEG-4 AAC audio, стерео, 44100 Hz.
Видео: QuickTime видео (video/quicktime, *.mov), Run-length encoding, 800 x 600


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