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Откуда: Земля Санникова
Warlords Battlecry III v1.03.24 [Цифровая версия] [GOG.com] [Eng]
Год выпуска: 2004
Жанр: RTS, RPG
Разработчик: Infinite Interactive
Издательство: Enlight Interactive
Платформа: PC
Тип издания: Цифровая версия (Good Old Games)
Язык интерфейса: английский
Язык озвучки: английский
Версия игры: 1.03.24
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Multiplayer: (6) LAN, Internet
Системные требования:
Windows XP/Vista/Seven
Pentium III 450 (or equivalent)
128 MB RAM
DirectX 7.0a or higher
От себя отмечу, что рецензия не передаёт всю глубину геймплея. Серия Warlords Battlecry первой стала развивать стиль Стратегия+RPG и по сегодняшний день его оттачивает. Кстати, RTS элементами можно принебречь, превращая игру в тактическую, всё зависит только от вас. Перед нами фэнтези, но не Толкиеновское и не Forgotten Realms, а своё. Главное преимущество игры безусловно в гигантском количествеве тактик, которое зависит не только от расы фракции и класса героя. Не стоит также забывать о нелинейной кампании и прокачке героя, под ваше командование попадёт не только родная раса, но и те, чью лояльность вам удастся заслужить.
Версия 1.03.24 по сравнению с предшественницами внесла не только исправления ошибок, но и новшества, а также ребаланс

- Официальная цифровая версия
- Последнее обновление и неофициальная балансировка, российской локализации нет.
- Совместимость с Windows Vista и 7 (32 и 64)

* * * * *
Взято с http://www.ag.ru/reviews/warlords_battlecry_3
Знаете, за что я уважаю сериал Warlords? За консерватизм. В хорошем смысле слова. В то время как конкуренты стремятся перещеголять друг друга модной графикой и количеством «революционных» примочек, «Лорды» постепенно эволюционируют, двигаются вперед, доводя кривую геймплея до идеально ровного состояния.
Очередная смена разработчика и издателя (теперь к игре приобщился «капиталист» Тревор Чан) не повлияло на главное. Сложность, продуманность и внимание к деталям, свойственные походовому родственнику, не исчезли и были отшлифованы почти до совершенства. Среди доступных в Warlords Battlecry 3 рас мне не удалось выделить однозначно сильные или слабые. За каждым взмахом виртуального меча скрывается уйма вычислений. Диву даешься, особенно если учесть, что можно успешно играть и получать от процесса удовольствие, не пытаясь вникать в «математику», подробно расписанную в руководстве пользователя и многочисленных дополнениях к нему.
16 сортов тактики
Откуда и куда плыл герой WB3 — не важно, поскольку внезапно налетевший шторм надежно поменял его планы на ближайшие два года. Запретный остров, охраняемый бессмертными эльфами, далеко не лучшее место для починки корабля, но выбор был небогат. «Ты, капитан, не забывай, я и сам эльф». Даже стражи портала не станут стрелять в соотечественника.
А чуть в сторонке от пляжа мореплаватель наткнулся на стайку изголодавшихся демонов… Еще одно потрясение ожидало впереди. Элитных бойцов эльфийской дружины перебили, точно деревенских увальней; лишь одинокий труп человекоподобного ящера указывал на вероятных виновников происшествия. Ssrathi — таинственный народ, населяющий южное побережье Этерии; они и должны объяснить, что произошло. Пятый всадник ада, могущественный демон, абсолютное зло — вот что проникло в мир через магические врата и, оставляя за собой кровавый след, унеслось на север. Надо ли говорить, кому предстоит расхлебывать кашу?
На первый взгляд кажется, что ничего не изменилось, однако это не так. Наш герой — не правитель великой страны, а военный лидер, чьи поступки обусловлены сугубо личными интересами. Путешествия по большой карте, живо напоминающей схему метрополитена, построены в стиле ролевых игр. В городках нас ждут квесты, и только некоторые из них непосредственно связаны с продвижением по сюжету; остальные помогут подзаработать, получить союзника или разжиться ценным артефактом. Здесь есть и магазины, где можно покупать-продавать артефакты, и гильдии наемников — желающих обменять меч и коготь на увесистую пачку банкнот хватает везде. Если озабоченный глобальными проблемами современности интеллект не успевает следить за сценарными завихрениями, тыкайте в кнопку подсказок, и вам расскажут, что делать.
Миссии заметно варьируются (чего недоставало в чересчур однообразных побоищах Warlords Battlecry 2). Засады, зачистки пещер, поиски сокровищ, защита дружественного поселения… В присутствии пары союзников обыкновенное «kill'em all»-задание превращается в нечто занимательное. Хотя в целом перед нами типичный Warcraft-клон без дурацких перевесов в строительные или военно-тактические дебри.
Сильнее всего поражает комплект противоборствующих сторон. Куда там старушке Blizzard до нынешних стандартов; 16 воинственно настроенных рас — цифра для игры XXI века! Рас, различающихся внешними видом, постройками, юнитами, использованием ресурсов, тактикой… Бессмысленная погоня за большими числами — удел «Завоевания Америки» и ей подобных, а в Warlords Battlecry 3 количество наконец-то перешло в качество. К знакомым по предыдущей части существам присоединились упомянутые ящерицы Ssrathi, Plaguelords (жуткая помесь Undead и какой-то заразной дряни) и The Swarm — колония разумных насекомых. Человеческая раса разделилась на две непримиримые половинки: Knights и Empire. Рыцари вышли мощными, но невероятно однобокими. Главная задача игрока, выбравшего себе последователей короля Артура, сводится к производству кавалерии и изучению всевозможных апгрейдов, ощутимо увеличивающих боевые параметры всадников. Реализации «имперских» амбиций способствуют наемники. Специальное здание позволяет почти без ограничений закупать иноземных воинов. Исключение составляют лишь драконы и титаны, которых все выращивают самостоятельно.
Числом и умением
Набор юнитов сравнительно невелик, зато они наверняка пригодятся на том или ином этапе игры. Без легкой пехоты не обойтись в самом начале, лучники, маги и прочие дальнобойные боевые единицы усиливают сторожевые башни, кавалерия двигается в темпе пеших коллег, но обладает хорошей ударной мощью, виверны и гидры нужны для устрашения… Да еще титан — уникальный боец, наделенный чудовищной силой и выносливостью.
Наши ратоборцы отнюдь не так самодостаточны, как многие привыкли считать. Командирские навыки героя, опыт, особенности противника, погода — куча второстепенных факторов влияет на исход битвы. Опыт — это все. Характеристики прожженного ветерана где-то на треть выше, чем у «новорожденного» солдатика. Отправляясь в финальный рейд на вражескую территорию, прихватите закаленных в мелких стычках часовых-привратников. Любой из них стоит трех новичков.
Не забудьте и о колдовстве: 13 магических школ, 130 заклинаний. Массовое отравление и лечение, красивые голубоватые молнии, вызов элементалей, некромантские штучки… Коли карьера тупого воина вас не прельщает — вперед.
Универсальная формула победы над компьютерными генералами существует. Фокус в том, что «многофункциональная» армия — с поддержкой лучников, драконов и катапульт — нам ни к чему. У каждой расы есть лучший юнит. Соответственно, задача игрока — произвести два-три десятка «фирменных» бойцов, после чего базу противника спасет разве что чудо.
Из стройного ряда конкурентов Warlords Battlecry 3 выделяет уйма хитрых приемов, до которых нужно доходить своим умом. К примеру, главный ресурс эльфов — кристаллы, а один из их драконов «кристаллизует» всех, кого убивает (включая безобидных тюленей). Представьте, что лорд-соперник погибает в дебюте миссии. Тогда «обезглавленный» неприятель не сможет захватывать шахты и быстро издохнет, ведь юниты с аналогичной функцией доступны не сразу. А если явиться в гости к союзнику и заграбастать его хозяйство себе?.. Поверьте, тут припасено немало «джокеров».
К сожалению, графика скорее маскирует WB3. 2D-изометрия безнадежно устарела, и за скромным фасадом можно не разглядеть массу занимательных вещей. Величественная в теории битва лорда с драконом выглядит весьма невразумительно. Спецэффекты присутствуют, но их исполнение далеко от трехмерных фейерверков из современных игр. Зато требования к компьютерной начинке максимально демократичны. Даже викинги из 8th Wonder of the World просят больше.
Ролевые вопли
В суматохе схватки или мирного строительства нельзя упускать из вида одиозную фигуру лорда. Его создание и последующее развитие стали проще и… на порядок интереснее. В отличие от Warlords Battlecry 2 специализация героя выбирается изначально. Assassin, Dragonslayer, Necromancer, Deathknight, Ranger, Paladin, Summoner — всего 28 наименований. Ограничений по национальности почему-то нет; минотавр-паладин или мертвец-бард — терпимые сочетания. Экстремалам оставили режим «Ironman». Куда ж без него?
Свита играет гораздо более важную роль. Крепкий прокачанный отряд поможет выйти победителем из самой трудной переделки. А вот улучшить квесты никто не подумал. Стучимся в особую избушку, берем задание, щелкаем секундомером и устремляемся к финишу. Неоригинально, но призы того стоят.
Без пяти минут идеал
За время знакомства с Warlords Battlecry 3 моя стойкая нелюбовь к «классическим» фэнтези-RTS растаяла, как позабытое на столе мороженое. Не бывает скучных жанров, бывают скучные, посредственные проекты. В Infinite Interactive не собирались попирать каноны, справедливо рассудив, что известная поговорка про плохого танцора соотносится с любым видом человеческой деятельности. Почти все недостатки предшественницы были успешно устранены, и мы получили одну из тех редких игр, на которые действительно «подсаживаешься». Проверьте сами.

Warlords Battlecry 3 patch v. 1.03.24
1.03.24 changes:
- Fixed problem with invisible units on 3GB+ systems
1.03.23 changes:
- Fixed broken spelldamage code caused by 1.03.22
- Changed pyromancy reductions under rain as follows:
20% reduction for Hand of Fire.
30% reduction for Circle of Fire.
40% reduction for Pillar of Fire.
50% reduction for Armageddon.
(instead of the previous division per 90!)
- Fixed the "Earthpower bug" (or at least I couldn't reproduce it anymore).
- Fixed free "Call the dead" for liches (again, at least I couldn't reproduce it anymore).
- Like 1.03.22, it carries a fixed System.xcr file, in case you screwed up your previous one
with the "any version to 1.03.21" patches.
1.03.22 changes:
- Includes all missing 1.03.2 quickfixes.
- Whispers of time: Duration now is 1 minute regardless of mastery.
- Mechanical units suffer 1.5x damage from criticals, 2x damage from deathblows, and are immune to (most) critical effects.
- Spells, multi-target/area damage and projectyles may still get critical effects.
- Undead units suffer 1.5x damage from criticals, 2x damage from deathblows, but suffer critical effects.
1.03.21 changes carried over in this one:
Major timer fixes:
Daemongate : 90 seconds + 60 sec. /mastery
Skellies/Wights/Wasps/Succubi: 2 minutes + 2 min./mastery
Imps: 3 minutes+ 2 per mastery
Quasits : 2 min. + 2 min./mastery
Slow Troops (Golems, Treants, Zombies, Wights, Skellies):
all 240 seconds + 180 /mastery
Spellcasting troops (Nagas, Unicorn, Mages):
all 300 seconds + 240 sec./mastery
Summoning related spells:
- Summoned succubi gain 20 extra XP per mastery level, and last 2 minutes +1 per mastery.
- Banish now works at least on level 5 creatures (so a level 1 summoner can banish a 50 XP Daemon)
- Daemongate summons +1 Daemon each 3 levels of mastery (starting from 4)
- Summon imps summons +1 imp per mastery, + 20 XP per mastery.
- Eyes of Oros now last two minutes + 2 per mastery (they used to be 30 seconds, LOL), they now gain XP
from Circle Of Power.
Misc. Spell changes:
- Vampirism lasts 2 minutes + 2/Mastery
- Brought back multiple zombies/quasits with level 1 casting + dark portal.
- Goblin Horde summoned Goblins now gain extra XP on higher "masteries".
- Zombies can now scavenge building rubbles too.
- Raise Champion gives 2 Shadows by default +2 per mastery, or +1 Champion every 3 masteries starting from level 4.
- Duration for Raise Champion: 2 minutes + 2 per Mastery
- Raise Wight gives 1 extra wight each 2 levels (starting from level 3).
- Duration of 2 minutes for floating elementals, 4 minutes for earth elementals.
- Whispers of time: Duration now is 1 minute + 1 per mastery, instead of 30 seconds and -15 seconds over level 2
- Call Shadow (Illusion): Fixed timer to be 1 minute + 1 per mastery, +1 shadow each 2 levels starting from 3.
- Most expensive spells now give 1 extra summon each 2 or 3 masteries (e.g. elemental summonings, daemongate).
Misc changes:
- Zombies can scavenge building rubbles too.
- Trolls can pickup any small nonflying critter (will still throw them as sheep).
- Catapults can pickup camels too (will still throw them as cows).
1.03.20 Change List
(numbers in brackets are 1.03.10-values)
General changes:
-New "feature" for race selection screen: Typing "/HIDE ON" (without quotes) turns on "Race hiding"-feature, which blanks out every other players', except your own, selected race in the selection screen. Typing "/HIDE OFF" in the chat turns this feature off. (notes: 1. Only host can toggle Race Hiding. 2. The commands are case sensitive. 3. The Race Hiding should be toggled only after every player has joined, as the new players will not get the current Hiding-setting.)
-Possibly fixed some issues with having many units and buildings on the game at once. This increases in-game memory usage by about 2 mb total.
-Cleave damage halved
-In no hero games, starting generals replaced by "Dummy Heroes", who are special generals who look like heroes. They have special stats and can be rebuilt at cost after death. ONLY available in No hero games. Stats: Combat 12; Hits 160; Speed 15; Damage 20; Armor 15; Resistance 15; Cost 120 each; Buildtime 90 s
-Every additional building, excluding mines, being converted adds 10 seconds extra to conversion time: converting 2 buildings adds 10 sec, converting 3 adds 20 sec, etc.
-Awe's, fear's and terror's effect on attackspeed *slightly* nerfed
-All towers do 2x damage on heroes
-Vampire's Key attackspeed halved (20 %)
-Foreign mercs work on continuous production
-Spell research and arcane research work on cont. prod. as well
-Morphing fix, damage percentage is carried over
-Fixed 1.03.1 bug regarding wights
-Converting units will flash in between white and the unit's owner's color
-At times, when your building is being converted, a message will be displayed to warn player. If you feel like censoring this message, it can be simply done by editing the third last line in Game.txt in English folder located in your WBC3 folder
Unit and racial changes:
-All titans flagged as Huge
-Unicorns flagged as cavalry
-The following units are considered as monsters: Bat, firebat, lightning hawk, phoenix, dragonfly, eagle, griffon, pegasus, basilisk, wardog, unicorn and ancient wisp
-Weather combat changes:
At daytime HE gets +2 combat, on fine weather WE and Fey get +2, Undead don't benefit from rain
-Titans have an additional 33 % resistance against *everything*
-Titans can not be healed by spells.
-Eye of Oros 50 hp (150)
-Gave Manticores and Gobshooters minimum range
-Water ellies cost 300 crystal (200), damage 45 (50)
-Fame lvl 3 cost 700 gold and crystal (1000/1000)
-Nightmare damage dropped to 25 (30)
-Squires cost 45 gold (60)
-Fixed a bug with Reavers' resistances
-Riders lose piercing resistance, but have 120 hp (105)
-Ghoul and slime no resistances
-Hydras take 75 seconds to create (60), crystal cost 60 (100), piercing resistance
-Pyrohydra gold cost 250 (300), crystal cost 180 (250)
-Cryohydra crystal cost 135 (160)
-Virus upgrade costs:
lvl1 200 Gold, 100 Metal, 100 Crystal
lvl2 300 Gold, 200 Metal, 150 Crystal
lvl3 400 Gold, 250 Metal, 200 Crystal
lvl4 400 Gold, 300 Metal, 250 Crystal
lvl5 400 Gold, 350 Metal, 300 Crystal
lvl6 500 Gold, 400 Metal, 400 Crystal
-Fire- and Icecave upgrades cost 300 resources
-Bane built at Black library
-Dark Mithril gold cost 500 (used to be 300)
-King Khalid built at Brewery
-Dwarf crossbows attack little faster than before
-Iceguard 10 combat (8)
-Dragon knight cost 10 gold less, 10 metal more
-Wisps cost 25 crystal (35)
-Longbow cost 40 gold (70) and 60 metal (50), 12 damage (10)
-Moonies back to trees
-Dark infantry 8 combat (5), metal cost 50 (40), gold cost 0 (10)
-Dark archer crystal cost 10 (20), gold cost 25 (35), 12 damage (10)
-Assassins have the attack speed of a sylph
-Spider priestesses cost 160 crystal, 50 stone (120/140)
-Pixies slightly faster attackspeed
-Elven hunters 4 combat (5)
-Elven hunters get +2 combat from Bowmaster
-Gladewardens 4 combat (2), 12 damage (10)
-Gladewarden crystal cost 20 (50), metal cost 60 (50)
-Woodriders 15 damage, 11 combat (20/9)
-Bowmaster cost 700 gold and crystal (1000/1000)
-Forestguard 8 combat (4)
-Scorpionman cost 100 stone (150)
-Scorpions cost 60 metal (50)
-Wasp cost 15 G/M (20/20)
-Lizard Riders cost 110 metal, 20 stone (80/50)
-TRex cause fear, require lvl 4 keep
-Tricsie 15 armor (10)
-Dragonflies cost 10 S/C (30/30)
-Chameleons damage 8 (5)
Hero, skill and spell changes:
-Mind leech doesn't work on heroes.
-Weaponmaster back to normal
-Dragonmaster now affects all dragons, Ssrathi dinos and Plague hydras
-The Barbarian King-skill replaced with "Riding", which gives xp for all cavalry units; Chieftains get Beast slayer on lvl 1 and Riding on lvl 15
-Dragonslayers get Ssrathi heroes' Dragonmaster skill at lvl 25 instead of Wealth
-Healers get Arcane back
-Potionmaster effect doubled
-Enervate buffed: 75% + 25%/lvl
-Charisma and retinue change:
Every hero has 8 retinue slots all the time, instead of adding new retinue slots, every fourth point in charisma gives one additional army setup point.
-Slayer skills' effect halved for heroes, all other melee units get +1/2 damage against the specified unit type for each point in a slayer skill
-Minefiller spells don't spawn extra units with summoning buildings, however the buildings do give extra xp and spawn the units next to it
-Temp hero creation fixes:
1. Skill level caps. Every skill has a cap of (HeroLvl - SkillMinimumLevel + 1), so a lvl 7 temp hero can put maximum of 7 - 5 + 1 points to his lvl 5 skill. This cap is same
as you have in normal hero levelup, if you place points to skills on every level.
2. Requirement skills. You need to put a required ammount of points to lower level skills to be able to put points in later level skills. For an example, to be able to place
points in a lvl 5 skill you need to put at least three points in your starting skills, to be able to use lvl 10 skills you need to put 8 points, and so on. The required ammount of
skill points equals the ammount of points you need in legal perm hero level up.
3. If you remove enough points from a lower level skill while creating a temp hero, so that your high level skill no longer meets the required skill point criteria, it's points are
automaticly added back to available skill points to prevent cheating.
-Skill point saving killed by applying the temp hero creation fixes to perm hero lvl which have an illegal ammount of stat points. Hackers beware, their heroes' stats AND
skills will be set to zero!
-An integrated check in hero selection screen for illegal perm heroes: Checks whether hero's skillpoints are distributed in an illegal way (see explanation about temp heros)
-SOE related: Heroes named with SOE_-prefix (A Sword of Etheria-rule for SoE heroes; case sensitive; uppercase only) will be checked for items in backpack. SOE participants can ask ahatch or Jodwin for more information.
-Hero attackspeed from Dex is back to normal
-Pyromancers' Demolition replaced with a new Fire missile skill, which gives the hero a *permanent* fire missile attack, which *can not* be toggled on and off and which fires flame arrows despite the items worn. Fire missile deals a percentage of hero's base damage, and gets only one third of damage from items and mighty blow. Neither does it work with Slayer skills. Fire missile starts at 6 range, and ends up at 12 range with at least 80 points in the skill. Attacks with Fire missile are slightly slower than melee attacks.
-Concept of "advanced spell spheres": Advanced spell spheres are more powerful than basic spell spheres but become available only at lvl 30. Arcane is an advanced spell sphere
-New advanced spellsphere, Time magic, available for Sages, Summoners, Runemasters and Priests; Spellbook hotkey t
-Alchemists get Potionmaster at lvl 5, energy at lvl 15
-Thieves have a thievery skill: Every skill point increases the chance of stealing resources per hit by 1 percent. Capped at lvl 18 (20 % chance to steal per hit). Each steal increases a random resource with a random ammount: The ammount ranges from 1 to 10, and the chances for different resources are as follows:
50 % gold, 25 % crystal, 16.6667 % iron, 8.3333 % stone. Thievery DOES NOT work on: Mines, temples, lairs, shops, animals, walls, allies and own units and buildings.
-Swiftness implementation reworked, the old one was bugged. The new one applies the Swiftness bonus directly to dexterity attack speed bonus, and the Swiftness ammount is changed to reflect this.
-Fixed the bug with Learn Spell-spell (Yes, it still displays message that only one spell was learnt, but the spell DOES work correctly)
-Fixed Reave-skill
-Fey heroes get Magic Resistance on Energy's place, and Gemcutting on lvl 30, HE heroes get Arcane Rune instead of Energy to kill off Energy synergies
-Swarm heroes get poison magic instead of necromancy
-Casting Destruction removes all magical buffs, except enervate, from hero before damaging him - ALSO Lifeward. Kamikaze fanatics overjoy.
-Engineer gives buildings 3 % hits per point
-Pyromancy spells deal 10 % less damage in rain, Call lightning deal +10 % damage in rain
-Summon Imp mana cost 10 (14)
Spell durations:
Summoned units have a bar on them which shows their duration (this bar is visible only to the owner of the unit); summon duration passes along on morphed units
Summoned qwasits last 120 seconds per spell mastery lvl (does not affect qwasits in mines)
Summoned imps last 120 seconds + 60 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned succubi last 60 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned daemons last 60 seconds + 30 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned earth elementals last 120 seconds + 60 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Same goes for fire ellies, mind you
And Call of Kargoth as well
Summoned wasps last 120 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned skellies last 60 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoner zombos last as long as qwasits do
Wights are lazy asses, they last 90 seconds + 30 seconds per additional spell mastery lvl
Summoned "champs" last as long as daemons. Copycats.
Summoned treants last 120 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Nature ellies last like champs 'n daemons
Summoned unicorns last 60 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned sprites last 120 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned nagas last 60 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned mages are like nagas
Summoned stone golems last 120 seconds per spell mastery lvl
Summoned bronzies last as long as daemons, champs and others do
Eye of Oros last 30 seconds longer
-Note: Summoned units in mines do not disappear. However, summoned builders CAN disappear WHILE building. Summoned units get +10 mana.
Time sphere spells:
1. Vigor Increases caster's move speed by 1 + 2/lvl; attack speed increased slightly since lvl 2 spell mastery for 30 seconds per mastery -- 12 mana
2. Age Decreases nearby enemy troops move speed by 3 + 1/lvl for 30 seconds per mastery -- 14 mana -- does not work on undead and mechanical
3. Life Increases caster's life and mana regen by a 40 + 20/lvl (life) and 60 + 20/lvl (mana) for 30 seconds per mastery -- 24 mana
4. Foresight Increases nearby troops combat by 2 + 2/lvl for 30 seconds per mastery -- 20 mana -- does not work on mechanical troops
5. Springtime Increases nearby troops stats: combat by 3 + 1/lvl, speed 2 + 1/lvl, damage 3 + 3/lvl for 30 seconds per mastery -- 36 mana -- does not work on
undead and mechanical troops
6. Decrepify Decrease nearby enemy troops stats: combat by 2 + 2/lvl, speed 1 + 1/lvl, damage 4.5/lvl for 30 seconds per mastery -- 36 mana -- does not
work on undead and mechanical troops
7. Wisdom of Age Decrease troop production time by 10% + 10% /lvl for 30 seconds per mastery (note: For best effects, cast before starting to create slow
production units like Knight Lords, Ancient treants, dragons and titans for maximum effect; capped at 50 % (lvl 4 mastery)) -- 40 mana
8. Whispers of Time Summons a horde of wraiths for 15 + 15/lvl seconds per lvl: Ammount summoned is 3 + 2/lvl, xp is 20/lvl -- 46 mana
9. Overwork Increase minefiller effectiveness by 50% /lvl for 30 seconds per mastery lvl -- 50 mana
10.Breath of Dying Slays random enemy units from command radius, max 24 targets, each target has 66 % chance to be slain. Target lvl affected is 3 + 1/lvl -- 70
mana -- does not work on titans and undead and mechanical troops
Old versions:
Units and sides:
-All normal units who had 2x2 footprint have 1x1 now (doesn't include titans and siege)
-Elven hunter range 6
-Elven hunter life 75
-Elven hunter fire vulnerable
-Elven hunter combat 5
-Druid combat 5
-Druid speed 8
-Druid life 50
-Woodriders +5 damage, cost 60 gold 70 metal
-Forestguard slashing resistant
-Gladewarden combat 2
-Bowmaster affects ONLY Gladewardens
-Sprites not affected by any archer upgrades
-Halved magic well income
-Halved the effect that mine fillers have for WE income
-Zombie speed 4
-Skeleton gold and metal cost 14
-Wight metal cost 80
-Wraith crystal cost 70
-Imp crystal cost 40
-Nightmare build time 65 seconds
-Summoner combat 7
-Summoner speed 9
-Summoner piercing vulnerable
-Summoner build time increased by 40s
-Knight cost 70 resources both, buildtime 65 s
-Knight champ cost 125 resources both, buildtime 90 s
-Knight lord cost 300 resources both, buildtime 180 s
-Swordman cost 30 metal
-Squire 10 damage
-Dancing sword 10 metal, 50 crystal
-Sword of Sirian cost 350 crystal
-Scorpionpriest speed 8
-Scorpionpriest combat 6
-Husk 12 damage, 30 hp
-Sorceror speed 8
-Sorceror combat 6
-Sorceror range 6
-Sorcerors physical vulnerable
-Dark infantry cost 10 gold 40 metal
-Dark infantry have 15 armor, not 10
-Dark infantry 12 damage
-DE archer cost: 35 gold, 25 metal, 20 crystal
-DE archer damage 10
-Spider priestess cost 120 crystal, 140 stone
-Spider priestess speed and combat 8
-Iceguard no vulnerabilities
-Iceguard 8 combat
-Dragon knight cost extra 30 crystal
-Dragon Knight piercing vulnerable
-Moonguard 8 combat
-Moonguard 10 speed
-Moonguard built at lvl 5 keep
-Multishot nerfed: Damage 30, range 6 instead of damage 50, range 10
-Longbows 10 damage
-Halved the effect that mine fillers have for HE income
-Dwarf infantry cost 75 metal, no gold
-Runelord 7 combat
-Runelord range 6
-Runelord stone cost dropped to 180
-Dwarf berserker cost 240 metal
-Dwarf lord cost 150 gold and metal, 250 stone
-Khazrimi guard cost 120 gold, 150 stone
-Dwarves get 1.25 times more resources from mine fillers (~1 extra resource per second for a full mine)
-Elephants only piercing resistant
-Black mage 7 combat
-Red mage 8 combat and speed
-Red mage range 6
-White mage 5 combat
-Mino shaman 9 combat, 6 speed
-Goblin shaman 7 combat
-Goblin shaman 9 speed
-Goblin shaman 30 extra stone cost
-Goblins cost 20 gold
-Ogres piercing vulnerable
-Slimes 10 extra gold cost
-Slime buildtime 25 seconds
-Slimes 5 damage
-Ghoul buildtime 20 second, 15 damage
-Chaos Plague (from PL keep) cost 500 crystal
-Fixed Plague unit sizes
-Snakepriest 6 combat
-Wrath (Ssrathi spell) cost 500 crystal
-Spriggans built at lvl 2 dreamhold, sylphs at lvl 1
-Leprechaun cost 80 crystal
-Riders piercing resistant (don't ask)
-Reavers lightning resistant, cost 130 gold and metal
-Ancient wisp income halved
-Wisps cost 35 crystal (not 50)
-Ring of Fire damage, when cast by units: 45+20/lvl
-Pillar of Fire damage, when cast by units: 80+40/lvl
-Pillar of Fire (units) mana cost 40
-Call Lightning, when cast by units, damage decreased by 20
-New HE buildings (by I2)
-Mine razing bonuses changed: lvl3/lvl2/lvl1 = 40/20/10 resources
-Wall attack bug fixed
-Petrify gives 50, crystallize and assassination give 85 resources as opposed to 100
-New stun: If combat < 10, new combat = 1; combat < 15, new combat = 2; combat < 20, new combat = 3; combat < 25, new combat = 4; combat < 30, new combat = 5; combat < 40, new combat = 6; combat > 40, new combat = 7;
-Tough towers not as fast
-Hero lvl scaled towers not as fast, but more damage and combat
-Increased catapult and ballista min range (it was almost nonexistant!!!)
-Hopefully fixed the unit morph bug
-Buildings have +10 armor and resistance
Heroes and spells:
-XP and XLord skills nerfed
-Shadow Strenght as powerful as Ferocity
-Instead of adding potions, Potionmaster increases mana gain from potions by 5 % per skillpoint
-Knight hero skill changes: Armorer at lvl 1, Leadership at lvl 20, Divination at lvl 30
-Elcor's aura no longer affects cure
-Improved melee heroes starting armor and hp slightly, added extra resistance to melee classes and few others
-Awe and scare nerf: spells now depend on target resistance score, minimum chance of success per target is 15 %, chance increases as spell level increases.
-Mana costs: Summon quasit - 12; Scare - 16; Awe - 18; Raise skelly/zombie - 12; Call shadow - 35; Summon treant - 38; Learn spell - 45; Gemberry -10; Circle of Power - 6; Phantom Steed -10; Transmute - 22
-Hand of Ice +5 damage
-Wildfire: 22% chance for cold damage, 22% chance for elec, 44% chance for fire, 11% chance for magic, also new name: Chaos Bolt; damage increase by 30 per level
-Weaponmastery halved
-Cauterize heal 20 life per lvl
-Transmute's effect is increased by 5% per lvl, same for Morph Resources
-Fixed bug regarding summon elemental spell and raise champion, when the caster has full AL and happens to lose mana nevertheless
-New hero class Monk. Special: Monks have new skill, Swiftness, which increases their attack speed by a half percent per level. They also have crushing damage by default and beat every other class in resistance score.
-Heroes' Strenght increases hitpoints by 5 per point
-Constitution skill adds 15 hp per skill point
-Call Lightning tweak: Each cast has a randomized ammount of max targets ranging from 12 to 24.
Unofficial WBC 3 Balance Patch v. 1.03.1 change list
Units and sides:
-All normal units who had 2x2 footprint have 1x1 now (doesn't include titans and siege)
-Elven hunter range 6
-Elven hunter life 75
-Elven hunter fire vulnerable
-Elven hunter combat 5
-Druid combat 5
-Druid speed 8
-Druid life 50
-Woodriders +5 damage, cost 60 gold 70 metal
-Forestguard slashing resistant
-Gladewarden combat 2
-Bowmaster affects ONLY Gladewardens
-Sprites not affected by any archer upgrades
-Halved magic well income
-Halved the effect that mine fillers have for WE income
-Zombie speed 4
-Skeleton gold and metal cost 14
-Wight metal cost 80
-Wraith crystal cost 70
-Imp crystal cost 40
-Nightmare build time 65 seconds
-Summoner combat 7
-Summoner speed 9
-Summoner piercing vulnerable
-Summoner build time increased by 40s
-Knight cost 70 resources both, buildtime 65 s
-Knight champ cost 125 resources both, buildtime 90 s
-Knight lord cost 300 resources both, buildtime 180 s
-Swordman cost 30 metal
-Squire 10 damage
-Dancing sword 10 metal, 50 crystal
-Sword of Sirian cost 350 crystal
-Scorpionpriest speed 8
-Scorpionpriest combat 6
-Husk 12 damage, 30 hp
-Sorceror speed 8
-Sorceror combat 6
-Sorceror range 6
-Sorcerors physical vulnerable
-Dark infantry cost 10 gold 40 metal
-Dark infantry have 15 armor, not 10
-Dark infantry 12 damage
-DE archer cost: 35 gold, 25 metal, 20 crystal
-DE archer damage 10
-Spider priestess cost 120 crystal, 140 stone
-Spider priestess speed and combat 8
-Iceguard no vulnerabilities
-Iceguard 8 combat
-Dragon knight cost extra 30 crystal
-Dragon Knight piercing vulnerable
-Moonguard 8 combat
-Moonguard 10 speed
-Moonguard built at lvl 5 keep
-Multishot nerfed: Damage 30, range 6 instead of damage 50, range 10
-Longbows 10 damage
-Halved the effect that mine fillers have for HE income
-Dwarf infantry cost 75 metal, no gold
-Runelord 7 combat
-Runelord range 6
-Runelord stone cost dropped to 180
-Dwarf berserker cost 240 metal
-Dwarf lord cost 150 gold and metal, 250 stone
-Khazrimi guard cost 120 gold, 150 stone
-Dwarves get 1.25 times more resources from mine fillers (~1 extra resource per second for a full mine)
-Elephants only piercing resistant
-Black mage 7 combat
-Red mage 8 combat and speed
-Red mage range 6
-White mage 5 combat
-Mino shaman 9 combat, 6 speed
-Goblin shaman 7 combat
-Goblin shaman 9 speed
-Goblin shaman 30 extra stone cost
-Goblins cost 20 gold
-Ogres piercing vulnerable
-Slimes 10 extra gold cost
-Slime buildtime 25 seconds
-Slimes 5 damage
-Ghoul buildtime 20 second, 15 damage
-Chaos Plague (from PL keep) cost 500 crystal
-Fixed Plague unit sizes
-Snakepriest 6 combat
-Wrath (Ssrathi spell) cost 500 crystal
-Spriggans built at lvl 2 dreamhold, sylphs at lvl 1
-Leprechaun cost 80 crystal
-Riders piercing resistant (don't ask)
-Reavers lightning resistant, cost 130 gold and metal
-Ancient wisp income halved
-Wisps cost 35 crystal (not 50)
-Ring of Fire damage, when cast by units: 45+20/lvl
-Pillar of Fire damage, when cast by units: 80+40/lvl
-Pillar of Fire (units) mana cost 40
-Call Lightning, when cast by units, damage decreased by 20
-New HE buildings (by I2)
-Mine razing bonuses changed: lvl3/lvl2/lvl1 = 40/20/10 resources
-Wall attack bug fixed
-Petrify gives 50, crystallize and assassination give 85 resources as opposed to 100
-New stun: If combat < 10, new combat = 1; combat < 15, new combat = 2; combat < 20, new combat = 3; combat < 25, new combat = 4; combat < 30, new combat = 5; combat < 40, new combat = 6; combat > 40, new combat = 7;
-Tough towers not as fast
-Hero lvl scaled towers not as fast, but more damage and combat
-Increased catapult and ballista min range (it was almost nonexistant!!!)
-Hopefully fixed the unit morph bug
-Buildings have +10 armor and resistance
Heroes and spells:
-XP and XLord skills nerfed
-Shadow Strenght as powerful as Ferocity
-Instead of adding potions, Potionmaster increases mana gain from potions by 5 % per skillpoint
-Knight hero skill changes: Armorer at lvl 1, Leadership at lvl 20, Divination at lvl 30
-Elcor's aura no longer affects cure
-Improved melee heroes starting armor and hp slightly, added extra resistance to melee classes and few others
-Awe and scare nerf: spells now depend on target resistance score, minimum chance of success per target is 15 %, chance increases as spell level increases.
-Mana costs: Summon quasit - 12; Scare - 16; Awe - 18; Raise skelly/zombie - 12; Call shadow - 35; Summon treant - 38; Learn spell - 45; Gemberry -10; Circle of Power - 6; Phantom Steed -10; Transmute - 22
-Hand of Ice +5 damage
-Wildfire: 22% chance for cold damage, 22% chance for elec, 44% chance for fire, 11% chance for magic, also new name: Chaos Bolt; damage increase by 30 per level
-Weaponmastery halved
-Cauterize heal 20 life per lvl
-Transmute's effect is increased by 5% per lvl, same for Morph Resources
-Fixed bug regarding summon elemental spell and raise champion, when the caster has full AL and happens to lose mana nevertheless
-New hero class Monk. Special: Monks have new skill, Swiftness, which increases their attack speed by a half percent per level. They also have crushing damage by default and beat every other class in resistance score.
-Heroes' Strenght increases hitpoints by 5 per point
-Constitution skill adds 15 hp per skill point
-Call Lightning tweak: Each cast has a randomized ammount of max targets ranging from 12 to 24.
The Warlords Battlecry 3 Modding Team:
St. Povis
And some others
+everyone who dared to give us suggestions
We have added a new area in the Campaign - Zhur.
You can sail there from The Trarg.
The Dark Elves have new graphics for their buildings
Lots of new mercenaries in the campaign
Dozens of new magic items, 20 of which were submitted by players
through Infinite's new Battlecry III website
BUG FIXES (1.03)
Animals shot by towers no longer count as a kill (this fixes a
bug in Slugfest Mode, as well as an XP exploit).
Fixed the Lairs in the White Mountains campaign map that
do not work correctly
Resurrection now correctly only resurrects enemies at mastery
level 3 and higher
Fixed the description of the Comprehension Spell - it only gives
25% skill cost reduction, + 5% per level of mastery
Fey upgrades now correctly affect Leprechauns
Daemon upgrades now correctly affect Reapers
Famine is no longer free if you cast it with the hotkey
The Chaos Spell "Learn Spell" now functions correctly at higher
mastery levels.
Mercenaries bought in the campaign that have a level but no
"character name" now appear with the correct stats
Fixed an "infinite mana" exploit obtained by equipping & re-equipping
a "+max mana" item while mana is on zero
Corrected help text for the Reaper - he steals 20XP per Soul
Many typos fixed in the campaign - particularly the Journal
Splash damage no longer hits allies
Celestial Dragons now correctly do double damage vs evil creatures
Dragonliches now correctly do double damage vs good creatures
Ghouls now cause poison
Items now trigger the cooldown time for spells, exactly like
casting a spell would do.
All existing items have been rebalanced.
Spores can now attack flying troops.
Units that are resistant to arrow fire are now also resistant
to Fire Arrows (this also applies to buildings)
A slight decrease to spell recovery times
These were changes made in previous patches
BUG FIXES (1.02)
Unfortunately a bug fix in 1.01 adversely affected unit attack speeds
They are now set to base of 1.5 seconds, with a cap of 0.5 seconds
The Elven Hunter has had his Armor & Damage reduced by 5, bis combat
reduced by 2 and his Build time increased by 5 sec
The Woodrider has had his build time reduced from 75 sec to 60 sec
BUG FIXES (1.01)
Fixed a random crash to desktop involving the A.I.
Fixed a crash to desktop involving Undead (especially in Multiplayer)
Fixed a crash caused by the Knight’s Quest ability
(involving having 2 or more sides of the same race in the same battle).
No more free Call the Dead for Liches
No more free Famine for Swarm
Serpentslayer now works
Engineer skill now works
Vampire is now causing Fear correctly
Eyes of Flame put into towers no longer cause the tower to do splash damage.
Fixed hotkeys for: Freeze, Call the Dead, Summon Blades & Sword of Sirian
Removed Imps from the Wood Elf list in the editor
Removed Elven Hunter from High Elves & Dark Elves in the editor
No matter the bonuses applied, all spells now cost a minimum of 1 mana.
No more double XP from hero skills on summoned troops.
Typo: Fixed requirements for Wight from Dark Mill to Boneyard
Typo: Added info text for seals & turtles
Typo: Updated “Flaming Arrow” text to better describe what happens
Typo: Updated “Resist Fire” text to remove the word “immune”
Typo: Graveyard now mentions that it builds Skeleton Cavalry
Daemon: Imps get Fast Attack Speed
Dwarves: Dwarf Infantry now take 32 sec & 30g, 75m (not 30sec, 25g, 70m)
Dwarves: Berserkers now take 85 sec & 300m (not 75 sec & 275m)
Dwarves: Khazrimi Guard now take 100 sec & 175g 225s
(not 90 sec & 150g 200s)
Hero: Assassination attempts vs. Heroes now subtract half the target
hero’s level from the percentage chance of success.
Hero: Comprehension spell no longer gives a flat 50% reduction to skill
costs. It gives 25% + 5% per level of mastery (max of 50%).
Hero: Armageddon does 100 + 50/lvl damage (not 100 + 100/lvl)
Hero: All-seeing Eye now gives +5XP per point (not +10XP)
Hero: Bronze Golem spell is now 60 Mana (was 36 mana)
Hero: Decreased the effect of the merchant skill (now increases at
half the previous rate)
Hero: DEX now gives 1 Resistance per point (not 1 per 2 points)
Hero: DEX now gives 1 Armor per 2 points (not 1 per 4 points)
Hero: DEX now affects a hero’s attack speed, not Morale (see below)
Hero: Energy Skill now gives +5% mana regen per point (not +10%)
Hero: Guardian Oak now gives +5XP per point (not +10XP)
Hero: Healers no longer get Arcane Magic… replaced with Regeneration
Hero: Ice Storm does 100 + 50/lvl damage (not 100 + 100/lvl)
Hero: Invigorate spell now affects attack speed as well as movement speed
Hero: Pillar of Fire does 100 + 40/lvl damage (not 120+ 60/lvl)
Hero: Priests no longer get Arcane Magic… replaced with Magic Resistance
Hero: Raise Champion Spell is now 65 mana (not 50 mana)
Hero: Resist Missiles now gives resistance to missiles, not immunity
Hero: Ring of Ice does 50 + 25/lvl damage (not 40+ 20/lvl)
Hero: Rune skills now give +5% Life per point (not +10%)
Hero: Slimemaster now gives +5XP per point (not +10XP)
Hero: Spell recovery times (see below)
Hero: STR now gives 1 Combat per point (not 1 per 2 points) and
base hero combat is now 4 (not 8)
High Elf: Moonguard max mana is now 25 (from 35),
starting mana is now 10 (not 20)
High Elf: Multitarget mana cost is now 25 (not 20)
Knights: Inquisitor gets electrical damage
Miscellaneous: Halved prices of items in shops
Plague: Cryohydras now cost 200m 160c (not 200g 160c)
Ssrathi: Towers now do 35 Piercing/Poison Damage (was 30 Fire )
Swarm: Wasp now has Assassination (vs. air units only) like a Gnoll.
Swarm: Scorpions get Fast Attack Speed
Swarm: Towers now do 20 Magic Damage (was 30 Fire )
Undead: Fallen Knight skill now costs 600g 800m (was 400g 500m).
Undead: Wights now cost 70m to morph (was 50m).
Undead: Slayer Knights now cost 250m to morph (was 200m).
Undead: Doomknights now cost 350m to morph (was 300m).
NEW RULES (1.01)
New Rule – Spell Recovery Times
For a time, after a spell is cast, a hero may not cast another spell.
This time is a number of seconds equal to 1, plus the base mana cost of the spell
multiplied by the level of the spell and divided by 75.
So for a 30 mana spell, 5th in the spell list (level 5) this
would be 1 + 30*5/75 = 3.0 seconds.
For Heal Self,
this would be 1 + 1*8/75 = 1.11 seconds.
New Rule – Hero Attack Speed
A hero’s attack speed is now based off of his DEX, not his MORALE.
Morale still affects all of his troops, but his own speed will be 1 second
less 0.02 seconds for every point of DEX over 10.
This may not go lower than 0.4 seconds.
2 New music tracks
15 New Magic Items

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