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 Заголовок сообщения: King Arthur: Fallen Champions (Neocore Games) [ENG] [L]
СообщениеДобавлено: 2011-10-22 15:52 
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Аватара пользователя
Раздал: 51.58 ТБ
Скачал: 620.08 ГБ
Ратио: 85.182

Зарегистрирован: 2010-11-09 02:24
Сообщения: 44886
Откуда: Земля Санникова
[font='Courier New']King Arthur: Fallen Champions[/font]


Дата выхода: 2011 г.
Жанр: RPG / RTS
Разработчик: Neocore Games
Издательство: Paradox Interactive

Тип издания: Лицензия
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблетка: Присутствует (S K I D R O W)

[font='Courier New']Системные требования :[/font]
Операционная Система: Windows XP/Vista/7
Процессор: AMD Athlon 4000+ или аналогичный от Intel
Память: 1Gb для XP, 1.5Gb для Vista и 7
Видео: Nvidia 8600 GT / ATI Radeon HD3650 / 256Mb видеопамяти
HDD: 8Gb свободного места

[font='Courier New']Описание :[/font]
King Arthur: Fallen Champions – самостоятельная игра в серии King Arthur, служащая «мостом» между King Arthur I и King Arthur II. Она расскажет историю трех героев – рыцаря, волшебницы и пророка, - которые отправились по неисследованным землям, лежащим за лесом Bedegraine, каждый за своей целью. Сер Лайонел, храбрый рыцарь из Британии, хочет спасти свою даму, Леди Корриган из Ши, волшебница сумерек, ищет тайный путь, который приведет ее к потерянному дому Тир на Ног, а Дрест Избранный, пророк Севера, странствует по диким землям, ведомый таинственными голосами и ведениями. Связанные между собой нитями судьбы, три героя должны объединить усилия, чтобы одержать победу в забытой битве, начавшейся давным-давно.
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- S K I D R O W -¦- -
--- - .the leading force. ¦¦ ---
--- ¦¦ -- - -
--- -- proudly presents -¦----
----¦ King Arthur: Fallen Champions (c) Paradox Interactive ¦---
---¦ ---
---- ---
--- 16-09-2011........Release Date Protection.............Nothing ---
--- Strategy.............Game Type Disk(s)..................1 DVD ---
--- ---
---- ---
---¦ - ¦--
--- ¦---
--- ---
--- King Arthur: Fallen Champions bridges the gap between King Arthur I and ---
--- II with a tale of three brave souls. Sir Lionel, a brave knight on a ---
--- quest to rescue a damsel in distress. Lady Corrigan, a creature of the ---
--- twilight seeking the secret pathways that could lead her back to her ---
--- lost hom. Drest the Chosen, a shaman driven by visions of greatness and ---
--- voices in the night. ---
--- ---
--- A knight, an enchantress, and a prophet - these three will become ---
--- champions of a forgotten battle that began long, long ago. ---
--- ---
--- The gameplay relies on a story-based, mission-to-mission plot. Players ---
--- will choose missions and upgrade heroes. Each hero has his own ---
--- storyline and each of these storylines incorporates three battles, ---
--- adding up to a total of nine skirmishes plus the confrontation with ---
--- the major foe in the 10th battle. ---
--- ---
--- The battlemaps are very diverse both in visuals and in construction: ---
--- tactical-RPG situations (with a limited number of elite units and ---
--- heroes), tactical battles (with huge armies on the field) and massive ---
--- battles against a general AI under very unusual circumstances. ---
--- ---
--- Features: ---
--- ---
--- Follow three unique heroes, each with their own storyline featuring ---
--- adventure quests and epic fights. The fates of these three heroes are ---
--- intertwined, and their quests lead up to one massive battle under ---
--- extraordinary circumstances ---
--- ---
--- A variety of battle types fought on unique, beautifully crafted ---
--- battlemaps, ranging from smaller tactical skirmishes to grand ---
--- engagements against superior numbers ---
--- ---
--- A dark and gripping fantasy tale that bridges the gap between King ---
--- Arthur and King Arthur II, set in an ancient region of Britannia, ---
--- beyond the well-known territories of King Arthur Ц The Role-playing ---
--- Wargame ---
--- ---
--- -------
--- -- - -------------
----- - ¦ - --------------- -----
----- --------- -------- ---- ----
---¦ - ----------- - ------- ------- -----
- - INSTALL NOTES --- -------- - ------ -- --- - - -
---- -¦ -- - - --- ---
---¦ ¦- - - ---
--- ---
--- 1. Unpack the release ---
--- 2. Mount or burn image ---
--- 3. Install ---
--- 4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation ---
--- 5. Play the game ---
--- 6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! ---
--- ---
--- -------
--- -- - -------------
----- - ¦ - --------------- -----
----- --------- -------- ---- ----
---¦ - ----------- - ------- ------- -----
- - GREETINGS --- -------- - ------ -- --- - - -
---- -¦ -- - - --- ---
---¦ ¦- - - ---
--- ---
--- To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups! ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---- ---
---- ¦---- ---
---¦ --- ----- - ¦--
-------------- ---- - -------- --
------------------- ----- ----------- -¦ ---
------------------------------------- - - - ¦¦ ---
--------------------------------- ascii art by the --- - -- ---
-------¦¦------------¦¦--------¦ godlike & terrific duo ------- ¦- - - ---
- ---------------------------- malodix + irokos ---------------¦---
-- --- ----------------- titan artdivision ------------------
- ------¦ ----- ----------------
¦---- - -------------
---- -----¦ ---
- ¦--

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  • Торрент
Автор: oartemka178 Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2011-10-22 22:49 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Размер: 3.18 ГБ (3 418 062 848 байт)
Скачали: 0 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: 0%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 0
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
Последний сидер: Нет Последний личер: Нет
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