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Supreme Commander 2.v 1.230 + DLC (2010) PC | RePack от R.G. ReCoding
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Автор:  oartemka178 [ 2010-12-23 03:31 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Supreme Commander 2.v 1.230 + DLC (2010) PC | RePack от R.G. ReCoding


Год выпуска: 2010
Жанр: Strategy (Real-time), 3D
Разработчик: Gas Powered Games
Издательство: Новый Диск
Тип издания: RePack
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблетка: Вшита (от SKiDROW.v 1.230)


Системные требования:
Операционная система: Microsoft XP / Vista / Se7en
Процессор: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz или аналогичный
Оперативная память: 512 MB
Место на жестком диске: 5,5 ГБ свободного места на жестком диске
Звуковое устройство: совместимое с DirectX
Видеокарта: GeForce 6600 256 MB или аналогичная


Держитесь крепче, закаленные командиры космодесанта. Готовьтесь, стратеги грядущих войн. Вас ждет новое сражение, равных которому еще не было. Эта война изменит ваше представление о битвах далекого будущего. Возглавьте бесчисленные армады одной из трех уникальных фракций и сокрушите врага – в самой глобальной и масштабной стратегии последнего времени! Автором игры выступил Крис Тейлор – создатель таких хитов, как Total Annihilation и Dungeon Siege. Со времен событий первой части Supreme Commander прошло двадцать пять лет. За это время все стороны конфликта успели подготовить новые виды вооружений. Теперь именно вам предоставлена возможность впервые опробовать их на поле боя. Стремительные танки, огромные боевые роботы, флотилии кораблей и армады воздушных судов – все это будет брошено в бушующее пламя войны на уничтожение. Хватит ли у вас выдержки и тактических навыков, чтобы сломить сопротивление врага и любой ценой одержать победу? Помимо зрелищных одиночных компаний, вас ждут отчаянные сражения на просторах Интернета с лучшими стратегами со всего мира.

# Освойте оружие далекого будущего
# Сражайтесь в воздухе, на суше и на море
# Сетевая игра – двадцать уникальных карт, до восьми игроков одновременно

--Infinite War Battle Pack--
* включает в себя целый ряд новых карт, юнитов, апгрейдов технического дерева и усилений для ПК!

--Update 1-- -Bug Fixes and Improvements- * Improved path-finding and performance for larger games * Navigation fixes for Cybran Protobrain and UEF experimental Transport * Range rings for Illuminate Space Temple * Rare Desync fix * Improved Eyefinity support * Victory message for Players in MP game * Game type indicator on in-game scoreboard * Dead player indication on in-game scoreboard * Passworded games for your friends will now show up in the friends tab (see related known issues below) * Setting Exclusions in skirmish lobby will no longer reset player choices (color, team etc) * New Multiplayer Leaderboards * Also added message to players when they leave the chat on Summary screen and on Skirmish * Added [TEAM] tag to the messages that are sent to team only * Highlight on top scores in summary screen * MP UI polish - Multiple fixes and polish throughout the MP menus

-Balance and Tuning- * Proto Brain vision radius increased to 32. Was 10 * Soul Ripper, Darkenoid, Mega-Fortress and Star King Extreme crash damage set to 5000 * AC-1000 crash damage increased to 1500 * Fixed Cybran Gunship strategic icon * Space Temple now shows its max range * Proto Brain and Star King Extreme navigation radius fixed * UEF Gunship RP cost increased to 5. Was 3 * AC-1000 RP cost decreased to 5. Was 6 * Wilfindja movement speed increased to 3.6. Was 3 * Gantry cost reduced to 400m/1300e. Was 450. Build Time reduced to 120. Was 150 * Decreased UEF Transport AA by 50% * Fixed Illuminate Land Radar boost deion * Reduced Research Station mass cost to 375 * Megalith Energy cost reduced to 2300. Was 2650 * Cybranasaurus Energy cost reduced to 4900. Was 5250 * Urchinow Energy cost reduced to 2100. Was 2550 * Fatboy Energy cost reduced to 2350. Was 2690

-Known issues- * Joining passworded games via the "Friends" list still not functioning to spec. Joining via standard game list fully functional * Default games list is currently limited to games hosted in your current Global Steam region. We will be adding a "Show All Regions" button in the next patch. There is currently no limitation on inviting Friends from any region via Steam, however

-Coming Soon- * Ranked 1v1 matches. Currently targeting the end of March. We'll have more info soon --Update 2-- -Bug Fixes and Improvements- * Ghost lobbies: Fixes issue when player cancels join game in multi-player lobby causing an un-joinable ghost game to persist * Saved games no longer reference Steam nickname: Prevents issue where players who changed their nicknames after saves were no longer able to see their saved games. Does not inoculate existing saves made prior to this fix * Replay crash: Fix for low-repro issue of replays crashing when loading in twice

-Coming Soon- *Ranked games and custom skill match-up games coming soon --Update 3-- -Bug Fixes and Improvements- * Private games have been replaced with Friends Only games. This means that you can mark a game as "Friends Only" and it will only be seen in your friends' "Friends" tab * The game browser has two new filters: Show Passworded games, and Show All Regions (both off by default) * Added "Test Ping" to the Skirmish menu, which will simulate in game traffic volume (based on number of players) for 5 seconds. This will help players find problematic network connections before getting into a game * Color coding on pings in skirmish lobby. When a ping is greater than 400 it will be yellow, and when greater than 500 it will be red * Games list in the games browser can now be sorted on each column * Cybran and Illuminate air factory veterancy fix: factories now calculate veterancy rate correctly * Fix to ACU not firing after activating its reclaim beam, while issuing a move order * ACUs can now be attacked while under water * Air units are no longer damaged if they fly over an activated Magnetron

-Balance and Tuning- * UEF P-Shield shield Health increased by 25% * Universal Colossus can now also be unlocked by researching the Urchinow * Overcharge cooldown increased to 35 seconds. Was 25 * Transport build costs increased by 50%. Reduced Health to 4000. Was 4500 * Darkenoid primary beam weapon Damage increased by 50% * Cybran Air Radar, Cybran Air Vision, Illuminate Land Vision, UEF Air Vision, UEF Land Radar, UEF Naval Radar and * UEF Naval Sonar research all reduced by 1 Research Point * Illuminate ACU Radar boost increased to +175%. Was +100% * UEF ACU Radar and Vision boosts increased to +150%. Was +100% * UEF Fighter & Bomber shield Health decreased to 175. Was 200 * Gunship Speed reduced to 6. Was 8. Shield Health decreased to 150. Was 600. Build Time increased to 27. Was 24 * UEF ACU Artillery research cost increased to 6. Was 4. Damage Radius reduced to 5. Was 6 * Cybran mobile artillery Movement Speed reduced to 2.8. Was 3.2 * Cybran Carrier build cost reduction of 33% added * All factions' ACU AA upgrade Damage increased by 25% * Airnomo cost decreased 10%. Health increased to 13,000. Was 10,000. AA damage increased 50%. Direct Fire damage decreased 50% * Cybran Battleship AA Damage reduced by 40% --Update 4-- -Fixes and Improvements- * Space Temple beacon now has cool-down timer set to 30 seconds before it can be moved. * Anti-nuke fix: Anti-nukes will never fire more than one anti-nuke off at a single enemy nuke. * Fixed sorting issue with password entry overlay, remaining background is now grayed out. * Non-host Gamer-tags now displaying correctly in multi-player lobbies. * LightFX enable/disable added to the advanced video options (for Alienware setups). * Fixed bug where bringing the in game score would error out when observers were present. * Fixed start position images on the skirmish menu. * Added color codes for the ping numbers. * Updated chat team chat text format. Team text now cycles when the check box status changes instead of when text is sent. * Overcharge was incorrectly being affected by ACU Training 3. It no longer is.

-Tuning and Balance- - Cybran/Illuminate Mass Fabs * Changing prerequisite for Cybran Mass Fabricator to Shield Generator. * Increasing Illuminate Mass Fabricator Research cost to 6 RP.

-Space Temple range- * Increasing Space Temple range from 500 to 700.

-Artillery- * UEF Artillery RP reduced from 8 to 6. Cost reduced to 800m/2800e. * Cybran Artillery RP reduced from 9 to 8. Cost reduced to 750m/2750e.

-Transports- * Reducing Health from 4000 to 3000. * Increased Energy cost from 430 to 600. * Decreased Regen from 11 to 5.

-Kraken Torpedo DPS- * Increasing damage from 50 to 200. --Update 5-- -New Features- * Ranked 1v1 System! (see below for a detailed explanation of this new system) * Ranked Challenge System (see below for a detailed explanation of this new system) * Unranked Quickmatch (see below for a detailed explanation of this new system) * Map Pings - Added three different kinds of map pings for team play. F5 issues a generic alert to your teammate at a specific location, and it appears as a yellow arrow when zoomed in and a yellow animated ping indicator in strategic mode. F6 is a Move ping, and it uses a blue indicator. F7 is Attack ping, and it uses a red indicator. Color coded arrows will appear on each edge of the screen where your teammate has placed one of these for you to view * Multi-player lobby ready-up checkboxes will now "uncheck" any time a host changes the settings * Changes to multi-player lobby exclusions, game-type, etc. will show up in the multi-player lobby chat box when the host makes changes * Voice icons display next to each player in the multi-player lobby allowing the user to mute individual players * Menu version number a?" The game now displays a version number on the Main Menu. The versioning has been adjusted at this update to 1.10 to accommodate future updates * AI now starts as a random faction

-Fixes- * Cheating fix: Closed a loophole in the code that allowed some players to enable limited cheats * Fixed rare crash if player gets kicked out of the lobby and submits chat text * Fixed rare crash when player hits the enter key in the Skirmish menu * Fixed replacing ready kicked player with AI causes the AI options to be locked * Fixed inability to join DLC map games if you don't have the pack as a client

-Tuning and Balance- * UEF Assault Bot Research cost decreased from 4 to 3. * Cybran Battleship Range reduced from 128 to 115. * Cybran Destroyer Energy cost increased from 500 to 650. * ACU Training bonus reduced to +25% per level. * Soul Ripper II Anti-Air Damage reduced by 50%. * King Kripter, Colossus and Cybranasaurus-Rex Health and Damage increased by 35%. * Cybranasaurus-Rex Range increased from 22 to 32. * Wilfindja Speed increased from 3.6 to 4.6. * Gantry build time reduced from 120 to 100 seconds. * Pulinsmash weapon range increased from 50 to 100. * Darkenoid Health increased from 20,000 to 27,500. * AC-1000 primary weapon damage blast radius increased from 1.5 to 3. * Cybran Air Rate of Fire boost Research cost increased from 3 to 5. * Bodaboom Health boost increased from +20% to +30%. Aura radius increased from 20 to 30. Added a +200% regeneration bonus. * ACUs are now repaired 150% slower. * Increasing ACU storage size to 15. * UEF Submarine weapon range increased by 50%. Movement speed reduced from 6 to 5.25. * Structure bubble shields now take twice as long to come back online. * Anti-Air Tower damage increased by 25%. * ACUs and Engineers now get a Sonar range equivalent to their Radar range. * ACU/Escape Pod Experience value increased to 7500. * Gantry Experience value decreased to 1250. * UEF/Illuminate Mass Convertor Experience value increased to 750. * UEF/Illuminate Mobile Anti-Air Experience value decreased to 100. * Fighter/Bomber Experience value decreased to 250. * Transport Experience value increased to 750. * UEF Fighter & Bomber Experience value decreased to 200. * UEF/Cybran Battleship Experience value increased to 1500. * Cybran Destroyer Experience value increased to 750. * UEF Submarine Experience value decreased to 150. * King Kriptor, Universal Colossus, Cybranasaurus Rex and Pulinsmash Experience value reduced to 3000. * Cybran Intel Add-on Vision radius is now correctly set to 75. * Fixed an issue with Cybran tactical missiles that prevented them from hitting a target if it was really far away. * Illuminate ACU Teleport time reduced from 10 to 6 seconds

-Known Issues- * Translation for the Ranked Games Interface in European languages will be in our next update --Update 6-- -New Features- * New AI categories are now available via the Skirmish or Multi-player lobby menu: * Air: Focuses on Air units. * Land: Focuses on Land units. * Rush: Focuses on large amounts of land units and less on defense. * Balanced: Balanced between Land and Air. * Naval: Focuses on Naval units. * Turtle: Focuses on defenses and Experimentals. * Random: Chooses one of the above based on various factors. * Added the Steam avatar for each player on the multiplayer summary screen: This will let players click on the avatar image and access that player's Steam profile. From there, they can add that player to their friends list if they've had a good match * Added Mic Icons display in game when bringing up the in game score menu (F2) allowing players to mute individual players

-Improvements- * Added anti-cheating code that will detect modified lua files and prevent playing with unmodified users. This also prevents achievement and leaderboard updates. Still permits playing with others who have identically modified their games. * Disconnections in Ranked: The game now tracks the number of disconnects a player has during Ranked 1v1 matches. If you exceed a certain percentage of disconnects to games played, they will count as losses instead of wins. - AI Improvements: * The AI will no longer get stuck in its startup build sequence if rushed or if there are build restrictions in place. * The AI will choose an appropriate archetype based on unit restrictions. * If a unit type is restricted the AI will act as though the unit does not exist in the game. * AI will now group units based on their target enemy's threat. * AI will now group experimentals based on their target enemy's threat. * If the victory condition is Assassination we are artificially inflating the Neural Net data to make attacking the ACU more desirable for both Land and Air units. * AI can now respond to being attacked my Nukes or Artillery, even if it cannot see where it is coming from. * Fixed a bug where threat build conditions were not being used. * The AI should no longer attempt to send attack platoons to unpathable areas. * The AI will hold back units until it thinks it has enough to make a push based on defensive intelligence. * Fixed an issue where the AI would constantly pull units back to attack an expansion base instead of pushing forward. * The AI will no longer build more than 3 transports unless it has land units and it is not a land map. * Added AI response to make a land AI get land unit AA upgrades if the enemy has air units. * The Naval AI will not build more than 3 subs unless the enemy has Naval. * If Research is disabled the AI will not build research facilities. * The AI will add a small amount of threat to all enemy start locations so it knows where to find them. * Platoons will try to only attack areas where they think they can do enough damage before dying. * The AI will react to enemy TML, artillery, or Experimentals by building more shields and placing them closer together. * The AI should send a more appropriate number of units based on enemy threat. * AI will build and use Mass Convertors. * If the closest enemy to the AI is a lot weaker than the other enemies the AI will focus on the weak enemy. * The AI's air units will wait longer before re-evaluating which target to attack. * The AI's NUC will now check for pathability before firing units. * The AI's Nuke Launcher will now check for pathability before firing. * You can now select which AI type you would like to play against from the dropdown in the game lobby (random is still an option). * AI will build factory shield upgrades more often, not just when the enemy has air. * Factory upgrades now have a threat value. * AI should react better to an enemy having nukes. * AI will not build research stations if it already has everything researched. * AI will not build a mass convertor until it has enough energy to convert. * Added bigger Air and Land platoons. * When a build item has a resource type of All the AI will use Slush first. * Added build conditions to check for current target enemy threat. * AI air scout platoons will now path around threat as much as possible. * Mass convertor research is now a higher priority for the Turtle AI. * Changed some threat evaluation when deciding where to attack. * AI will build fewer MMLs and Mobile Artillery. * Added a new function to store the victory condition for the AI. * When an AI unit dies it will add threat to the instigator's location to warn other units. * Added some anti-turtle measures. * Fix for units that were built outside of the AIs base not being used. * Fix for AI not using its full base radius. * Land AIs on Island maps should build Air factories to build transports. * AI should send platoons when it is at unit cap, no matter what. * AI will space out naval factories more to prevent blockage.

-The Ranked maps have been updated to- * Markon Bridge * Clark Training Center * Coalition Ship Yard * Arctic Refuge * Open Palms * Finn's Revenge

-Fixes- * Fixed units arriving from Space Temple teleport immunity to Magnetron effects * Fixed Engineer pathfinding in crowded conditions * Fixes for occasional crash if Client disconnects at the same moment Host launches Ranked game * Fix for Crash / Soft Locked: Players can get soft-locked in the 'Starting Game' screen if other players disconnect when matchmaking begins 'Starting Game' * Backspace will reveal all characters in the edit box when you have more characters than the visible section

-Tuning and Balancing- *Capturing units now provides the same experience as killing them --Update 7-- -Fixes- * Fixed an issue where air transports failed to drop units in campaigns --Update 8-- -New Features- * Added a warning dialog when a player accesses multiplayer with modified data * Adjusted exploit handling for research during game initialization * Adjusted exploit handling for hotkey-triggered commands * Land AI will default to Air factories faster on non land maps * AI will build units from factories that are outside its primary base radius * AI platoons will loiter less and instead attempt to move to the best possible place to do damage * The starting base locations will now generate less econ threat to the AI causing the AI to more aggressively target buildings outside the starting base locations * The AI will more quickly respond to attrition, and retreat appropriately

-Fixes- * Fixed a potential crash encountered when entering the game summary screen with an AI present * Fixed an issue where the AI could repeatedly queue the same unit (especially transports) * Cybran AI will now properly research naval walking --Update 9-- -Balance and Tuning- * Mobile Artillery Damage Radius decreased to 5. Was 6. Cost increased to 54m/120e. Was 50m/115e. * Long Range Artillery Damage Radius increased to 6. Was 3. * Cybran ACU TML Damage decreased to 200. Was 400. * UEF ACU TML research cost increased from 3 to 5. Damage reduced from 200 to 120. * Cybran ACU Anti-Air research cost increased from 4 to 6. * UEF ACU Anti-Air prerequisite changed to Health II. * UEF ACU Range boost reduced from +50% to +25%. * UEF ACU Damage research cost increased from 3 to 4. * UEF ACU Health research cost increased from 2 to 3. * UEF ACU Artillery research cost increased from 6 to 7. Rate of Fire decreased from 0.3 to 0.2. * Kraken cost decreased by 15%. * Wilfindja cost decreased by 15%. * Speed Reducing Mega Armor now uses Damage reduction instead of increasing Health. Reduces damage by 50%. * Illuminate PD shield upgrade Health increased to 1000. Was 800. * Illuminate AA shield ugprade Health increases to 950. Was 750. --Update 10-- -Fixes- * Fixed a crash when performing a game save on Campaign mission 17, a??Surface Tensiona??. * Fixed UI exploit allowing ACU duplication. * Fixed a skirmish/multiplayer crash when AI was attempting to use a Space Temple that had previously been destroyed. * Fix for AI hangup while targeting for Artillery and Tactical Missile Launchers at extreme range. * Fix to AI withholding resource reservations for construction units that have died. * Fix for AI factories getting stuck not building. * Fix for rare game crashes related to the AI resource manager.

-Improvements- * Introducing the new advanced a??AI Overlorda??. * The AI Overlord can now direct multiple AIs in team-wide attacks and defenses against priority targets and threats (Easy AI will not participate in Overlord operations). * The AI Overlord can merge disparate AI platoons for game operations (Easy AI will not participate in merged platoons). * Added Main Menu buttons for viewing the ranked Leaderboards and the Global Chat Room. * AI can send and respond to distress calls from nearby AI allies. * AI can notify AI allies about priority threats such as Nukes and Artillery. * AI will now perform evasive maneuvering in close combat to mitigate damage from unguided munitions (micro). * AI will now redistribute excessive resources from the a??Slush bucketa?? late game. * AI improvements in evaluating potential Landing Zones. * AI can now mix Experimentals with Conventional units into platoons on creation. * AI now considers mixed group strength when dispatching attack groups. * Added larger AI platoon sizes to accommodate mixed platoons. * AI will now build transports sufficient to handle extended mixed platoons. * Engineer platoons will now use Route threat checking when finding a place to build mass extractors. * Lowered Engineer extractor platoon threat threshold. --Update 11-- -Improvements- * Skirmish Save/Load. Skirmishes can now be saved in game using the Menu > Save Game Function. Skirmish saves can be loaded while in a skirmish game or from the main menu under Skirmish > Load Saved Game. * Players who have been eliminated in a skirmish or multiplayer game, but have remaining allies that are all AI, will be set as an observer will full map view, and may exit normally at their discretion. * AI Engineers and Land Scout platoons will now execute optimized pathing (performance improvement). * A user friendly version number will now be shown at the top of replay files. Replays that do not have the matching version number of the build will generate a "failed to load” message. * The default folder for save games, replays, screenshots and log files has been updated to My DocumentsMy GamesSquare EnixSupreme Commander 2. * Added redundant checking on games returned by Steam in matchmaking. This check ensures that the game fits within the filters specified for Steam. Previously old data could be called when rapidly narrowing a search. * Illuminate Bodaboom aura range now displays as a weapon range.

-Fixes- * Fixed condition where the first player leaving a multiplayer game would stop automated replay recording. * Further refinement of search filtering for ranked. It was possible that someone could join a ranked game because they met the criteria when they initiated the search, but then narrowed their search and no longer met that criteria. We now check for this case and reject the connection. * Fix for most common case of players getting in an unable to join state when closing a multiplayer game from a lobby. * Artillery Weapon Range boost will now correctly affect Long Range Artillery, increasing its range. * Fix for AI violation of Research build condition. * Fix for AI not building enough research stations. * Fix for AI not building enough factories late game. * Fix for Naval AI not building a Naval factory at all, and for secondary condition of not building them outside its starting base location. * Fix for uncommon case of units not doing anything when running away. * Fix for AI Land platoons not running away. * Fix for AI not properly utilizing the Noah Unit Cannon and Carriers for building. * Fix for Defensive builders going to the wrong task state when they fail to find a build position.

-Balance and Tuning- * Engineers will no longer circumvent assist mitigation when ordered to assist open ground. * AI has improved seeking/hunting capability against hidden commanders. * AI will only build Artillery/TML in their base if they have enemy structures in range. * AI will build more generators after they have a Mass Converter (or the research for the Cybrans). * AI will normally only build shields in their bases when there are structures there to protect. * AI will not build excess mass extractors. * Illuminate ACU Energy Income Boost research decreased to +200%, was +300%. Decreasing Mass Income Boost to+250%, was +400. * Decreased Rate of Fire on Illuminate flares by 33%. * Added a 25 second rebuild time when the Proto-Brain is destroyed. Added a Cybran Proto-Brain crash damage of 2000. * Increased minimum radius on Long Range Artillery to 150, was 50.

-Known Issues- * Replays cannot be created from a game that has been loaded from a Skirmish save, the UI does not currently reflect this. Although it appears to save, it does not, and the "Replay LastGame” feature will actually play the last valid replay. --Update 12-- -New Features- * Added AI Custom Options menu to allow fine control of each AI's Core Strategy, Build Speed, Resource Income, * Veterancy, Intel, and Target preference. * The pre-order maps Emerald Crater, Iskellian Coast, QAI Prototype Facility, Seraphim VII Site, and Weddell Isle are now available to play for all players. * Added a Cybran Mass Convertor structure, unlocked via the research tree. * Added "No Artillery Structures” to game exclusions list. * Added "No Mass Conversion" to game exclusions list. * Added shield range ring indicators both during placement and on mouse-over. * Added factional shield coloring, and quicker impact effects to improve overall visibility and feedback. * Added a keybind to turn the UI and all associated in-game clutter on and off for screenshots and movies: Ctrl-U. * Updated the current ranked season to season 2

-Balance- * Increased Mass Convert cost to 2500e and income to 250m. * Increased Mass Convert cooldown to 10 seconds. * Killing enemy units will now generate 25% less Research. * Illuminate Rogue Nanites heal decreased to 5,000. Was 10,000. * Illuminate ACU Shield health decreased to 12,000. Was 15,000. * Illuminate ACU Teleport, Damage, Rogue Nanites and Personal Shield upgrades each increased by 1 RP. * Illuminate Rogue Nanite's range increased from 10 to 15. * Cybran Battleship range decreased to 90. Was 115. * Cybran Kraken health and damage increased by 50%. Weapons no longer prefer unique targets. * AI veterancy cheat buff is now an increased vet rate, rather than free levels. * Illuminate Point Defense cost increased to 200m/440e. Was 190m/420e. * UEF P-Shield health increased to 600. Was 400. * Nuke cost increased to 1000m/4000e for each projectile. Was 750m/3000e. * Mobile units that are hunkered will no longer be affected by the magnetron.

-Fixes- * Fix for being able to assist an engineer assisting a factory and bypassing the build speed reduction. * Fix for being able to have UEF Pgens assist an engineer assisting a factory and bypassing the build speed reduction. * Fix for being able to have UEF Pgens assist an engineer assisting a factory and bypassing the range check. * Fix for AI not sending early attacks. * Fix for Air units not accepting multiple destruction part meshes in their blueprints. * Fix for AI ACU going back and forth when there are enemies nearby. * Fix for AI not using the Noah Unit Cannon. * Fix for units getting strung out along cliffs. * Fix for units that have queued move orders pathing weird after using an ability. * Fix for beam weapons not turning off when units were loaded onto transports. * Fix for Hover units not triggering properly when killed. * Fix for UEF Long Range Artillery not being able to fire at their upgraded max range. * Fixed Sonar Radius buffs to work like Intel Radius buffs. * Units that are dropped from a transport will no longer infinitely loop their move ambient sound. * Fix for AI units trying to climb hills. * Fix for UI-based ACU duplication exploits. * Fix for replay files not closing properly under rare circumstances. * Fix for Platoon position being on unpathable terrain and screwing everything up for the AI. * Fix for units being teleported when dropped from a transport over invalid terrain. * Fix for the wrong leader being selected for Air units. * Fix for GPNav group leader selection. Agents are eligible to be the group leader only if they are close enough. * Fix for units that have queued move orders pathing weird after using an ability. * Fixed resources getting refunded for units that have completed building and are cancelled with the stop command. * Fix for units getting stuck against walls if they started out moving via steering only (no flow field). * Fix for naval units not receiving commands outside the playable rectangle. * Fix for some air units in a group slowing way down. * Fix for crash when issuing guard on the ground. * Fixed a version number crash when loading a saved skirmish game. * Fix for crash when loading a save game while a unit is jumping. * You can no longer send air units through an enemy Space temple beacon.

-Improvements- * When we buff a unit's max health we now set the units health percentage to the same as it was before the buff was applied. * Removed the visual effect on other units from the Bodaboom and Universal Colossus to improve performance. * Increased Bodaboom buff check time to 8 seconds and Universal Colossus to 6 seconds to improve performance. * Changed the Bodaboom range circle to match the Bodaboom's buff range. * Attempting to join a game when you have modified files and the host does not (or vice-versa) will fail with a warning message. This is true for joining through the game browser or by receiving an invite. * We now disable collisions on units while they are in a transport. * All Air to Ground and Ground to Air projectiles will no longer collide with each other. * Units that die while jump jetting will fall like air units. * Anti-Nukes will now show the proper Available/Max numbers when you hover over the build AntiNuke button. * Made path requests NOT immediately reset from cost stamp collisions. * If you lose and have a human ally that is still alive, you can no longer hear sounds from enemies under the Fogof War and can no longer see decals created under the Fog of War. * We no longer remove units from their group when issuing ability commands (except in special cases). * GPNav now allocates all the memory it will require for Integration Fields at the start of the game to improve performance. * Jump jetting units will now adjust their flying height to avoid colliding with terrain. * Reduced the effect ambient sounds have on the game's framerate. * Improved 'should dodge' logic so if your push class is less than, then you should dodge. * Improved 'pass through walls' handling so battleships don't get pushed onto the shore. * If a unit cannot move as fast as the group, then the unit's speed bonus max is 15% instead of 50%. * Fixed air units group speed calc, so its not just the leader speed.. its the speed vote, just like land units. * Illuminate Flare effect updated. Now less expensive, added an on ground impact effect. * UEF Disruptor Station Activation Effects. Bigger for better player feedback. * Illuminate Electroshock beam and impact adjustments. * Illuminate Radar Overdrive, added activation effect. * All faction scaffolding effect LOD adjustments. Better player feedback at further LOD range. * Tri-armor buff effect. Now better looking and less expensive. * Reclaim, Capture, Repair, Build effect LOD adjustment. Better player feedback at further LOD range. * All Faction Unit destroy LOD adjustments. Better player feedback at further LOD range. * Experimental Unit weapon effect LOD adjustments. Better player feedback at further LOD range. * LOD update on unit upgrade, build bonus, overcharge, mass convert and hunker. Better player feedback at further LOD range. * Changed text for shield restrictions to imply structures only.

-AI- * AI will now use path markers for attack and scouting. * AI will build additional radar away from its base. * Magnetron will now look for targets in a radius around itself, rather than the base it is assigned to. * AI will now build the Cybran Mass Convertor. * AI will build more than 1 mass convertor, if needed. * AI will now prioritize getting the Mass Convertor research if it has a high amount of energy stored. * AI will no longer mass convert when it has enough mass already. * AI will now build more Pgens when Mass Convertor is researched, rather than waiting for it to be built. * AI will use the buffer size to check for blocking terrain (via GPNav) before building a structure. * AI will try not to nuke its own units. * Improved AI research paths. * Removed Radar and Vision cheat buffs from the AI. * Added Naval Neural Net. * Updated the Neural Net data based on several hundred new simulation sets. * AI will wait until it has a mass convertor before going nuts with Pgens. * Land, Balanced, and Rush AIs will put a higher priority on getting an Air factory if they can't reach an enemy by land. * AI ACUs will no longer build Naval factories. This will be handled by Engineers. * The AI will once again use the Illuminate Space Temple. * Adjusted AI platoons to prevent the AI from stalling when hitting unit cap. * AI can now use Naval units to guard its base. * Guard base platoons will now guard a wider range. * AI will build more engineers per expansion base. * AI will only build up to 10 research facilities. * AI will take mass fabricators into account when looking at income/spending ratio. * AI will build Gantries in expansion bases more. * Improved AI Nuke/Anti-Nuke behavior. * AI platoons will no longer Jump Jet or Teleport unless at least 75% of the platoon can make the move. * Platoons that the AI wants to run away will now clear previous commands. * AI Neural Nets will now check to see if an enemy unit's shield is active when performing threat evaluation. * AI units will no longer run to deactivated bases. * AI will now use carriers appropriately again. * Added a new function to the Platoon class to get a platoons shortest attack range. * Micro distance is now based on the Platoon's shortest attack range. * AI will now do a quick pathable check when looking for places to build. * Engineers will no longer look for things to reclaim or units to repair while attached to another unit.

-Known Issues- * Replays from previous versions will not function with this version. * Skirmish Save games from previous versions will not function with this version. * Campaign Save games from previous versions will not function with this version. Campaign progress (unlocks) will * still be preserved, however. * When exiting a multiplayer game or skirmish before victory conditions have been met, there is a 10-second window during which replays will not save. The temporary workaround is to wait 10 seconds before pressing the "save replay" button. --Update 13-- -New Features- * Build mode can now be accessed while holding shift. * Added Safe and SafeMode command line options as a better alternative to resetting monitor resolution - Using one of these options will start the game at 1024x768@60hz in fullscreen and allow the player to change his options to something else after the game loads. * Added build mode hotkey for Cybran Mass Convertor. Removed Ctrl-M key mapping for old Cybran mass convert ability, which no longer exists and was causing a crash. * By popular request, reset Season 2 ELO ratings. * Quitting a game will stop the replay from recording immediately

-Fixes- * Fix for targeting units under the influence of world forces (ie Magnetron). * Fix for units becoming unrepairable. * Partial fix for selected groups of units not all Teleporting or Jump Jetting when given the order. * Fix for Space Temple cooldown being activated even if the beacon was not placed. * Better handling for units getting stuck in a position when they try to reclaim something directly underneath them. * Fix for ACU/engineers going on a walkabout when trying to build something that overlaps with their current position. * Fix for some factories and engineers getting XP for killing things when they should not. * Fix for units colliding with terrain when boarding a carrier. * Fix for not adjusting a units health when it recieves a MaxHealth buff on non-DLC side. * You can no longer use the Magnet Pull, Magnet Push, or Pullinsmash ability while No Rush is active

-AI- * Fixed up AI platoon templates. * Fix for AI platoon sizes. * Fix for AI platoons "dancing around". * The AI influence map decay rate for mobile units has been lowered. * Fix for AI building too many Mass Fabricators. * Adjusted how much mass a Mass Convertor adds to the AI's Resource Manager. * AI will only build 1 ProtoBrain. * AI will attack ACUs more in Assassination mode.

-Known Issues/Under Investigation- * Pre-1.21 Replays will not function with 1.21. * Teleporting/Jumpjetting group fix only partially implemented. * Memory Management and allocation optimizations. * Desynch related to VTOL aircraft. --Update 14-- -Features- * Greatly Improved AI handling of NoRush games. * Full fix for jumping/teleporting groups of units and only half of them getting the order. * Addition of the command line option /reverserightclickmode, which changes the default right-click action to move the selected group to a destination ignoring formation rules. Ctrl-right-click will force the group to use a formation while travelling. * Air units now move consistent speeds whether grouped or ungrouped. * Improved handling of Engineers/ACU when trying to reclaim things beneath them. * The Cybran ACU should no longer get stuck in an unrepairable state. * Artillery should once again be able to target things it has had LOS on, but not current radar. * Artillery can once again target structures under the Fog of War that you have had previous intel on. * Units that do not earn XP from combat are no longer able to consume awarded XP if they get the kill. * XP that was improperly awarded in the above case is now properly awarded to valid recipients. * Performance improvements by adjusting all buffs that are AoE buffs over time to Refresh instead of Replace

-Fixes- * Fixed a crash that occurred when using AI on certain maps such as Treallach Island and Desolatia. * Fixed an issue where players would revert to the old research tree in DLC matches when joining via a steam invite. * We now prevent players from joining lobbies through the Friends tab or through Steam invites when they do not match the Host's DLC setting. Players will now receive the following error message "Unable to join the game. DLC status mismatch with players in the lobby. The DLC can be enabled or disabled on the main menu" * Fix for platoon positions being over terrain that is invalid for some units in the platoon. * Fix for replays ending when a player prematurely quits the game or loses connection. * Fix for circumventing the cost of the Bomb Bouncer's charge ability and the Illuminate Electroshock ability. * Fix for Cybran ACU not getting experience under certain circumstances. * Fix for Cybran build bots hanging around if an engineer dies while building something. * Fix for Colossus not having a teleport effect. * Fix for Rogue Nanite range for real this time.

-AI- * Fixed an issue in the Noah Unit Cannon task. * Fix for 1 AI building so fast that it prevents other AIs from building at all. * AI will no longer try to create expansion bases while No Rush is active. * AI will build Nukes, Anti-Nukes, and units in the NUC, but they wont try to fire them while No Rush is active. * AI will build some experimental structures in expansion bases. * Hardened code for queuing build orders from the AI. * Improved AI expansion finding. * Fix for AI Nanites trying to repair things under construction. * Fix for AI building too many Rogue Nanites. * Fix for AI bases trying to include Mass extractors that the AI won’t build on. * AI will now look further for expansion bases to accommodate larger maps. * Fix for AI wasting tons of mass on nukes. * AIs will try not to step on each others’ expansion bases. * AI Engineers in expansion bases will not patrol as far away. * More AI econ tweaks. --Update 15-- -Fixes- * Hotfix for a crash issue with 1.22. --Update 16-- -New Features- - The Infinite Build Queue * In the launch version of Supreme Commander 2, you immediately paid for units and structures when queued. With this patch, you pay for units when construction starts. While it may sound like a simple change, it changes the way you play the game and manage your economy. It allows you to pre-plan your bases and unit queues beyond what you can afford with your resources at any given time during a game. With this change, you need to more carefully manage the build statuses of your Engineers and factories, and be prepared to use manual pausing and unpausing, because the least expensive units or buildings queued always get priority. You'll also want to pay more attention to your incoming Mass and Energy reserves so you don't have builders sitting around waiting for resources. The patch also adds automatic management of Engineers and Factory queues that are waiting for resources to become available. If you queue beyond what you can currently afford, units will automatically wait and continue production when resources become available.

-Details as follow- * We now show the rebuild bonus outline, even if you do not have the resources to build the item. * Added two new keybinds: Ctrl-Shift-P: Pauses all construction units, Ctrl-Shift-U: Unpauses all construction units. * When you pause an engineer or factory they will continue building whatever they are currently building (you already paid for it anyway), but will not start another build task until unpaused. * No more yellow outlines when building. * If they can afford the unit when the command is issued, they will pay for it right away and move to build. * If they cannot afford it when issued they will move to the build site and wait until they can afford it.

-Fixes- * You can no longer see friend ranked lobbies in the Friends tab. * Fix for Illuminate air units not settling back into a formation after teleporting. * Factory addons no longer have a collision volume, to fix the issue where you cannot damage a factory because the projectiles are colliding with the addon, which takes no damage. * Fix for not being able to dock the protobrain. * Fix for Blank map being shown if a player plays a DLC game with one of the DLC maps and then tries to play a non-DLC game. Instead, we will defualt to the first map in the list. * Fix for some units not hitting the Seabed when sinking. * Fix for ACUs continuing to shoot when an attack is interrupted by a build/reclaim/capture/repair order. * Fix for ACUs losing the ability to attack if a reclaim order is interrupted as the ACU's build arm is being oriented. * Fix for the Cicada hiding enemy units from allied armies. * Fix for crash when trying to save a skirmish game. * Fix for instability issues discovered with the Noah, Ejected head. * Fix for refund amounts being incorrect if you Ctrl-K a factory that has a large amount of the same type of unit queued. * Fix for refund amount being incorrect if you removed chunks of units from the build queue via holding Ctrl or Shift and right clicking.

-Balance- * Shotja: Reduced Health to 800. Was 900. Reduced Turn Ratio to 90. Was 270. Weapon Turret rotation range reduced so that it can only fire in a narrow arc forward. * Loyalist: Reduced Build Time to 20. Was 21. Reduced Mass Cost to 40. Was 42. * Cybran Jump Jets: Reduced Land Jump Jets RP cost to 6. Was 7. Increased Land Jump Jet Range RP cost to 4. Was 3. * Research Convertor: Reduced Mass cost to 275. Was 300. Made Research Conversion ability cost 275 instead of 300. * Quantum Floating: Reduced Quantum Floating RP cost to 9. * Naval Jump Jets: Reduced range to 90. Was 110.

-AI- * Adjusted when the AI builds extra mass convertors. * The AI will not build more than 1 proto brain on the DLC side, to match non-DLC. * Fix for AI Naval units sitting in base and not attacking. * Fix for some Guard base platoons getting stuck. * Fix for units being able to capture something they lost intel on. * Units that the AI knows are dead will be removed from the influence map to fix the case where an AI thinks there is a nearby threat when the only nearby threat is a unit slowly sinking. * Fix for AI building stuff in a player's starting location (for real this time) this will not stop an AI from building a Mass Extractor in the base, however. * Fix for AIs getting stuck because they have two bases that overlap each other. * Fix for AI scout platoons getting stuck on Seton's. * Fixed the neural net learning function so that it feeds the network forward before back propagating. * Fixed the AI's last stand distance for defensive points. * Updated AI neural net data. * Fix for mixed groups of air units having a portions of the units fail to attack when given a Form Attack order. * Fixed the AI handling of reclaimable mass around the base so that is uses the same search range as the task. * Fix for AI's getting stuck trying to clear an expansion base that an AI ally has already taken control of. * Platoon micro now prevents platoons from getting stuck while being shot to bits

--За основу взята Лицензия Новый Диск
-- Игра:
* аудио качество 100%
* видео качество 100%
* эксклюзивный установщик
* установка всего дополнительного Softa (DirectX, Visual C++)
* все пути реестра сохранены
* запуск игры через ярлык на десктопе или через меню пуск
* для установки необходимо 512 Мб ОЗУ
* примерное время установки 13 минут(ы)

DLC: * Infinite War Battle Pack

Патчи: * Update 1 * Update 2 * Update 3 * Update 4 * Update 5 * Update 6 * Update 7 * Update 8 * Update 9 * Update 10 * Update 11 * Update 12 * Update 13 * Update 14 * Update 15 * Update 16

* лого разработчиков, титры

Автор Repacka: * Fenixx

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