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 Заголовок сообщения: Slave Maker 3 v3.3.01 (cmacleod42) (RUS|Multi6) [P]
СообщениеДобавлено: 2013-01-30 22:31 
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Зарегистрирован: 2010-11-09 02:24
Сообщения: 44886
Откуда: Земля Санникова

Год выпуска: 2012
Жанр: Flash, RPG, Simulator, BDSM, Yuri, Hentai
Разработчик: cmacleod42
Издательство: cmacleod42
Версия: 3.3.01
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: мультиязычный (русский присутствует)
Тип издания: пиратка (модифицированная)
Таблэтка: не требуется
Цензура: нет

Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Процессор: Pentium III 800 Ghz
Оперативная память: 256 Mb
Свободное место на жестком диске: 3,24 Gb

Экономическая RPG-стратегия в жанре хентая. Крошечное королевство Миоя, затерянное между несколькими странами, испокон веков поставляет дефицитный товар - великолепно тренированных девушек-рабынь. Вы играете за представителя сей гордой профессии - Тренера рабынь. Вы можете работать на гильдию или быть "вольным торговцем".
В отличие от других подобных игр, типа Otherworld, тут ценится индивидуальный подход. Вам выдается рабыня необученная, строптивая, одна штука. Ваша задача - сделать из нее хоть что-нибудь, что ценилось бы потенциальными покупателями. Тут играют роль не только ее сексуальные навыки, но и прочие качества - красота, чувственность, ум, темперамент, элегантность и так далее. Чтобы не обанкротиться, в процессе обучения вам наверняка придется сдавать ее на работу - список работ также разнообразен, от официантки и библиотекарши до проститутки. Естественно, все это тоже влияет на девочку - в библиотеке она поумнеет, но станет менее общительной, а в борделе потренирует секс, но прощай, репутация!
Каждую неделю проводится общегородской конкурс среди рабовладельцев, где каждый может выставить свою рабыню. Конкурс проводится по разным номинациям - "самая умная рабыня", "самая красивая рабыня", "самая сексуально одаренная рабыня" и так далее.
В итоге мы можем получить самых разнообразных рабынь - от эскорт-девушки, с которой не стыдно появиться в высшем свете, до горничной-служанки, рабыни-кошки, "ездовой" рабыни... вариантов много.
Но не надо забывать, что рабыня - это не просто кусок мяса, а тоже человек со своими особенностями и прошлым. И ее прошлое может настигнуть вас в любой момент...

05.10.2012: игра обновлена до версии 3.3.01. Поскольку в структуре игры произошли крупные изменения и размер её существенно вырос - не могу гарантировать что перехеширование предыдущей версии раздачи с новым торрентом сработает. Рекомендую скачать всё заново.

Изменения Slave Maker 3.3.01:
- No images for Count Gossem BE meeting
- an incorrect image for Mai
- speed/fix for talk to minor slaves
- small changes for city places
- talk to slaves - intimacy - did not respect contraceptives
- cumslut text when doing titsfuck and not in said training
- Witch could not preach their faith
- some incorrect it's, should have been its
- slave maker dominance did not show – icon
- Blunt/Refined conflict in slavemaker creation
- dance contest not increasing dance skill on a win
- images when meeting nuns
- missing hint text for some npc's
- fixed some background issues when slave image is shown during an event
- fixed multiple issues with blank events or events with partial text
- saved planning bypassing restriction on days when your slave is ill
- Kasumi's special stat was named 'Kasumi'
- slave makers count not rest for a 1ht training
- was creating many undefined slaves is SlavesArray
- Gardevoir could not be saved
- Some images for Gardevoir would show and never get hidden
- Slave Maker measurements hint was misplaced
- events resetting between slaves (Red Lily, Lady Grey)
- xml skill changes failed
- reset slave/slavemaker tiredness when starting new slaves
- seer/diary did not show training end once a FreeLancer sells their slave
- Arena button did not appear for Menace
Slave Maker 3.3:
- major low level changes to the game. Canused a lot of bugs and many still remain from these
- lots of additions for developers
- houses are more flexible and can be easily added
- support for new cities in the game
- Lady Grey has been expanded
- various small events around the place
- Arak the spiderwoman can be obtained
- contraceptive system
- expanded armoury
- all slave, assistant, minor slaves releases and upgrades to date
- better support for male slaves and twins
- new slave maker creation options like Exhibitionist and others
- new clothing system for SlaveMakers
- new avatar system for Slave Makers (still a bit buggy)
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 17:
- Seer visit green screens
- Minor Slave purchasing
- events not respecting slave stats properly (ie proposition saying Shampoo ugly with Charisma 100)
- more thrown weapon issues
- white screen when selecting a new slave after ending training a previous slave
- bugs with and with new syntax
- brioken skill hints
- dickgirl transformation not working for xml slaves
- Genma missing from assistant list (or first assistant in the Assistantx txt files)
- tentacle/furriy assistants listing in the assistant pulldownlist
- a few typos
- leather armour xml issue
- some hangs at start of the day
- custom jobs, chores, schools not showing properly for xml
- ability to review Stats 2 page in Talk to Slaves. BUT this currently excludes skills like Dancing due to bacward compatibility issues
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 16:
Mainly fixes
- issues for translations where text blocks could be mixed up. Also some layout fixes for slave skills.
- corrects string comparisons in xml (eg bloodtype)
- Akane was not being purchased by the Lord
- errors in the implementation of thrown weapon skill
- slave maker initial items not working properly
- fixes for and etc for the alternate structure
- Moiya/Mioya spelling confusion (should be Mioya)
- pony/cat tail images not appearing
- white screen at start of day
- bloodtype affinity (bonuses where the bloodtype of slave/supervisor are compatible, as per Japanese superstition) + ability to select bloodtype for your slavemaker (defaults to O)
- two singleton events for Arcueid + a few images for her. Mainly added to test a reported bug
- all owned slaves and assistants can now cause events during training.
- adds AfterEndingFinish/AfterEndingFinishAsAssistant, to allow particular endings to be tweaked (text altered/appended)
- some bugs were reported for xml assistants where events did not trigger. The new events for Arcueid were to test these and show they work. I suspect one of the fixes corrected this issue. One of the translation issues was caused by a typo in the xml merge code that have potentially wide ranging implications
- some issues were reported where if you over use Talk To Slaves your planning could be stuck. So far I have not reporoduced this. I do believe there is a bug there just not one I have found yet
- Avatar issues still exist, so far I do understand they happen for non-human slavemakers, just so far not clear how.
I saw a note that dickgirl transformations do not work properly. If anyone can reproduce this in this beta please post a save before the transform, and notes of what goes wrong.
fixed the following
- Seer visit green screens
- Minor Slave purchasing
- events not respecting slave stats properly (ie proposition saying Shampoo ugly with Charisma 100)
- more thrown weapon issues
- white screen when selecting a new slave after ending training a previous slave
- bugs Points/SetFactors new syntax for xml
- broken skill hints
- dickgirl transformation not working for xml slaves
- Genma missing from assistant list (or first assistant in the Assistantx txt files)
- tentacle/furry assistants listing in the assistant pulldownlist if disabled
- ability to review Stats 2 page in Talk to Slaves. BUT this currently excludes skills like Dancing due to bacward compatibility issues
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 15:
This addresses a number of bugs and additions to the game. Hopefully we are getting close to fixing most of the issues for this beta. I think all major/game halting issues for the game are now corrected
- fixes issues with the Beach and Bulma not finding a DragonBall there
- Fixes major problems for Morrigan
- Some fixes where for some games Cumslut Kasumi did not work correctly and allow more cumsluts to be trained
- a few performance fixes
- some xml fixes
- plus other fixes, but not as many as I hoped due to health issues
- a new option to make catgirl encounters more frequent
- xml can set total and level variables
- new weapon type 'Thrown' + skill, but no such weapon yet, will be added soon
- plus some other requested changes
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 12:
This fixes a range of bug including
- evil mine quest
- walk to beach at night
- xml issues with owners
- multiple minor slave purchasing issues. Note purchasing is a little simpler now, but hopefully faster too
- kiss images not showing for xml slaves
and quite a lot more.
Some slave specific issues, for instance for Rei and Sheena were also fixed but are not included in this update to save donwloads. If needed I could upload a full beta.
- a simple contraceptive system, via both Take Potions and Talk To Slaves screen.
- custom buttons on the talk to slaves screen, both xml and actionscript methods provided
This fixes several important issues
- custom events for xml based slaves (including Aeris) were not happening ever
- translations had problems with duplicating minor slaves. French had some issues with old minor slaves names, Similar problems would of happened for weapons and houses for translations.
- fixes for the node for xml slaves, also for
- Fitness chore was missing
- fixed an issue where the slave's measurements did not save/load properly
- Astrid was never encountered walking in the Forest
- fixes some reported xml corruptions for some slaves
Small changes
- adds handjob and footjob images for Mai, Chun-li, Unonhana, Daisy (some do not have both)
- M.I.A supplied some french translations for the minor slaves
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 11:
This fixes several important issues
- custom events for xml based slaves (including Aeris) were not happening ever
- translations had problems with duplicating minor slaves. French had some issues with old minor slaves names, Similar problems would of happened for weapons and houses for translations.
- fixes for the node for xml slaves, also for
- Fitness chore was missing
- fixed an issue where the slave's measurements did not save/load properly
- Astrid was never encountered walking in the Forest
- fixes some reported xml corruptions for some slaves
Small changes
- adds handjob and footjob images for Mai, Chun-li, Unonhana, Daisy (some do not have both)
- M.I.A supplied some french translations for the minor slaves
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 10:
- load/save issues including some stat reset issues
- duplicate and non-functioning custom trainings. Also images failing to appear for xml slaves custom acts
- dominatrix blowjob missing
- read a book not showing any text
- Mugi problems
- some other small bugs
Adds the minor slave Mao, developed by Chaos-X
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 8:
This is an update of Beta 6, it addresses the major issues for Beta 6, but there are still outstandaing problems, but mostly lesser issues. Note this requires beta 6 and the base game 3.2.06.
links removed
Remaining issues
- Aeris issues
- a couple of combat issues
- Arak sex scene(s)
- Lady Grey, more events
Ami Update
regigigas asked my to share his recent update for Ami. Note this will be in the 3.3 release
- Update ready. Adds new pics, a Dark Mercury event, Dark mercury ending, and a Custom Stat.
- This Dark Mercury path will later be expanded on, and 4 other ones will be added later.
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 6:
The addresses most of the reported bugs, a few smaller issues remain
- lesbian act not renaming right
- some blank acts
- some significant issues remain for minor slaves, some blank and some fail to purchase correctly
- NOTE: forgot to change the version it will still show as beta 5 (sorry)
- expanded event for spider woman in the secure slave pens (read the current event, see the recommendation). Note just noticed a sex scene is a little broken (missing text) and some birthing events and related are not implemented yet.
- additional xml variables for slavemaker pregnancy checks
Unless there are major issues here I will aim for a full version 3.3 release next weekend
I have had a person reporting a number of save/load issues with slaves duplicating and stats resetting. I have been unable to reproduce this, and believed it to be more a flash player issue. Their last post discredits this, but so far no clear idea. If anyone sees odd issues please let me know.
Slave Maker 3.3 Beta 1:
This is the first beta for Slave Maker 3.3.
This is an UPGRADE only, it is intended to be installed over an existing game installation. Also it is currently built with all minor slaves released installed (except the few loli ones). If you do not have them all installed then you will see some empty cells when purchasing minor slaves. You can fix this if needed by editing configuration.xml
This upgrade will update save games from version 3.2.06, but any save games from before that should probably work but some events may not quite function correctly. All events and similar should be fine for 3.2.06 saves.
I fully expect many bugs from this beta release, I was still finding ones yesterday and there were extensive low level game changes that heavily changed many parts of the game
Otherwise, this version has a lot of low level changes to the game engine and a lot of changes for developers
- unlimited custom acts (well actually a few hundred due to tab sizes, but seems adequate)
- xml custom event support
- many xml tweaks
- some new actionscript functions and small tweaks. Notably a new function to alter button lables. more logical than using UpdateSlave()
- houses are customisable
- weapons and armour are customisable
- many class changes, see the SDK Examples/Common Scripts/Classes for the publically released ones.
For players
- you may sell any owned slave at the slave market. Do not explect high values. It would be very hard to make a profit buying a minor slave and reselling, unless quite a bit of time and training passes
- Much expanded Lady Grey events
- revised screens for planning
- more weapons in the armoury, and revise armoury screen
- yes/no/unsure responses for love confession. Unsure means they can reconfess later.
- love confessions that are stopped due to leadership limits will re-confess when leadership increases
- initial marriage support (many be fully in for release, not sure yet)
- new slave maker creation options (I am open to more)
- new sex acts Handjob and Footjob, written by Zincat
- Slave Makers can buy clothing and costumes and wear them. They can also choose to be naked. Currently in beta1 these choices do not matter but will (for instance Attend Court will require clothing and come options a certain standard of dress, as will visiting some NPC's etc). Some sex acts will get a bonus (ie BDSM dress will enhance BDSM activities)
- Thanks to Chaos-X most of the standard minor slaves have had an image upgrade
Known issues still in the beta
- I have not added the last version of the Handjob/Footjob acts from Zincat, I'll release an updated Acts.xml later for them. The current version just reads as SlaveMakers only
- The Lady Grey events need more testing and a fair few places just have place holder text, the final version released with 3.3 (non beta) will resolve this
- Some slaves may have odd dress releated issues. I have changed my slaves + Orihime + Peach to handle this, but slaves that do not have the full range of dresses or gain a dress during gameplay maybe affected. If you notice any such issues please let me know. I'll check with the developers or add some additional code to support for backwards compatibility.
- the Slave Makers dresses/avatar system is still a bit unstable + the new images are not used much. Will be resolved in the full release. As noted above the choice of dress has no effect yet
Some notes on the new release
- a lot of standard images have been moved to be in the Images folder, including all standard minor slaves, weapons, armour, the map of the city
- save games are restructured a bit, it is a little more complex to exit a slaves statistics for instance. All slaves, including the current one are in the file smxslaves.sol. It is awkward to find the slave, but note the array is sorted, and the debugging menu, Slave Details, will tell you the index
- some areas of the game use less memory and some more, I think overall it uses a bit less memory
- the game uses a bit less cpu use
- purchasing minor slaves is not optimised and can be a little slow to move through the cells, especially backwards. Should be ok forwards, but not lightning fast.
- starting a new game is a bit slower than version 3.2.06, due to changes to allow all slaves, assistants and minor slaves to change types (ie an assistant become a slave, a minor slave and assistant etc). This slow process (a few seconds before slaves and assistants) should only happen on new slave makers. Just starting a new slave for an existing slave maker should not have the slow bit
I would much prefer any bug reports be posted in the Futanari Palace or MasterBloodfers forum than here.
Инсталлятор сделан моими скромными усилиями. В сети игра распространяется в архиве, установщик сделан просто для удобства. Временами запускается он не сразу, особенно если у вас работает антивирус.
Фоновая музыка: Ancient Egyptian Arabic Improvisation on Fretless Guitar
Примечание: кликом по значку динамика в углу инсталлятора отключается музыка.
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Инсталлятор сделан моими скромными усилиями. В сети игра распространяется в архиве, установщик сделан просто для удобства. Временами запускается он не сразу, особенно если у вас работает антивирус.
Фоновая музыка:

Как включить русский язык

Запускаем игру, нажимаем New, нажимаем Next до выбора персонажа, нажимаем Options в левом нижнем углу окна.
Выбираем закладку Appearance, внизу окна под надписью Language вместо English впечатываем: Russian.
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