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Francis G. - REAPER Plus! The Power of SWS Extensions. Version 1.7.1 [2010, PDF, RUS]
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Автор:  kotiar [ 2011-12-05 04:01 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Francis G. - REAPER Plus! The Power of SWS Extensions. Version 1.7.1 [2010, PDF, RUS]

REAPER Plus! The Power of SWS Extensions. Version 1.7.1
Год: 2010
Автор: Geoffrey Francis
Жанр: Практическое пособие
Издательство: Электронное издание
Язык: Русский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Количество страниц: 165
Описание: The SWS Extensions add amazing functionality to REAPER, including project, marker, track and folder management, mixing snapshots, auto coloring, and much, much more. Until now, much of the power of these extensions and modules has remained hidden to the user because of a lack of documentation. This guide lifts the lid off these secrets and exposes you to the true power of these extensions. Includes tutorials with step by step examples and sample project files. The PDF download is a printable version of the document available on the StandingWaterStudios web site. The spiral bound printed copy is black and white. "Not only does REAPER Plus give excellent examples of actions, macros, menus, and toolbars, it gives users the tools to customize REAPER to meet their exact needs." - Tim Payne, SWS developer.
В раздаче содержится также краткая версия файла.

1 Setting Up and Getting Started
2 Simple SWS Actions: Little Things That Mean a Lot
3 Building Simple Custom Action Macros
4 SWS Project Management
5 SWS Marker Management
6 SWS Color Management
7 SWS Tracklist and Track Management
8 SWS Snapshots
9 SWS Media Pool
10 SWS ReaConsole
11 More Examples of Custom Actions
12 Summary of SWS and SWS/Xenakios Modules and Actions

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