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Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data
Год выпуска: 2009
Автор: Ian Williams
Издательство: WROX
ISBN: 978-0-470-47725-0
Формат: PDF
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Количество страниц: 432
Описание: Provides the basic education in the XSLT processing model that developers have requested
The growth of XML content management applications is boosting the demand for XSLT and XPath skills. This beginning Wrox book provides a firm foundation in the XSLT processing model, giving developers an important skillset.
If, like many developers, you've had trouble grasping the XSLT processing model, you'll appreciate how this book focuses specifically on what you need to know. XSLT examples address the often-requested processing steps for typical XML document and data vocabularies. You will see exactly how XSLT relies on XPath, and how the processing model differs from most programming languages. A case study demonstrates how to build a static Web site using XSLT 2.0 elements and XPath 2.0 functions.
- Explains XSLT and XPath, covering both version 1.0 and 2.0
- Covers using templates, control and branching, variable and parameters, sorting and grouping, and using modular stylesheets
- Also examines strings, dates, and numbers; working with multiple documents and text; generating identifiers; and testing and documentation
- All topics contain incremental code examples
- Addresses the much-requested processing steps for typical XML document and data vocabularies, including how the processing model differs from most programming languages
Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data is the essential guide you need to thoroughly understand the important XSLT processing model.

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