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Earth Materials
Материалы Земли

Год: 2010
Автор: Kevin Hefferan and John O’Brien / Кевин Хефферан, Джон О'Брайн
Жанр: Минералогия, петрология
Издательство: Wiley
ISBN: 978-1-4051-4433-9, 978-1-4443-3460-9
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Количество страниц: 670
Описание: Minerals and rocks form the foundation of geologic studies. Excellent textbooks currently exist in mineralogy, igneous petrology, sedimentary petrology and metamorphic petrology. It is not our intention to compete with these textbooks. However, many universities have compressed separate mineralogy and petrology courses into a one- or two-semester Earth Materials course. Presently, no textbook adequately addresses the needs of an Earth Materials course. We have developed a textbook that encompasses the study of minerals, rocks as well as soil and water. This Earth Materials textbook is geared towards a one- or two-semester Earth Materials course, a combined mineralogy and petrology course, and can also be used by environmental scientists, engineering geologists, planners and laypersons interested in learning about minerals, rocks, soil and water in a comprehensive framework. We have attempted to create a readable, well illustrated textbook that is comprehensible and that weaves different disciplines into one cohesive fabric.
Key features of this book include:
•Equal coverage of mineralogy, sedimentary petrology, igneous petrology and metamorphic petrology
•Copious field examples and regional relationships with graphics that illustrate the concepts discussed
•Numerous case studies to show the uses of earth materials as resources and their fundamental role in our lives and the global economy, and their relation to natural and human-induced hazards
•The integration of earth materials into a cohesive process-based earth systems framework
•2 color throughout with a 64 pages 4 color section

Учебник по минералогии и петрологии, охватывающий исследования минералов, горных пород, а также почвы и воды.

Опубликовано группой

Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
1 Earth materials and the geosphere 1
2 Atoms, elements, bonds and coordination polyhedra 19
3 Atomic substitution, phase diagrams and isotopes 46
4 Crystallography 75
5 Mineral properties and rock-forming minerals 111
6 Optical identifi cation of minerals 145
7 Classifi cation of igneous rocks 182
8 Magma and intrusive structures 212
9 Volcanic features and landforms 235
10 Igneous rock associations 264
11 The sedimentary cycle: erosion, transportation, deposition and
sedimentary structures 295
12 Weathering, sediment production and soils 328
13 Detrital sediments and sedimentary rocks 365
14 Biochemical sedimentary rocks 399
15 Metamorphism 438
16 Metamorphism: stress, deformation and structures 455
17 Texture and classifi cation of metamorphic rocks 481
18 Metamorphic zones, facies and facies series 501
19 Mineral resources and hazards 541
References 580
Index 597
Periodic table of the elements 610
Table of chemical elements 612
Color plate sections between pp. 248 and 249, and pp. 408 and 409
Companion website for this book: wiley.com/go/hefferan/earthmaterials

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