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Savage Worlds Books (Deadlands, Hell On Earth и другие сеттинги)
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Автор:  oartemka178 [ 2012-04-05 01:17 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Savage Worlds Books (Deadlands, Hell On Earth и другие сеттинги)

Savage Worlds Books (Deadlands, Hell On Earth и другие сеттинги)
Год выпуска: 2009
Жанр: Правила Настольных Ролевых Игр
Издательство: Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Формат: PDF
Качество: OCR без ошибок, если не указано обратное
Описание: Подборка книг по сеттингам на базе системы Savage Worlds
01. 50 Fathoms - Companion
02. 50 Fathoms
03. Against The Orcs
04. Daring Tales Of Adventure 01 - To End All Wars & Chaos In Crete
05. Daring Tales Of Adventure 02 - Web Of The Spider Cult
06. Daring Tales Of Adventure 03 - Treasure Of The Templars
07. Daring Tales Of Adventure 04 - The Talons Of Lo-Peng
08. Daring Tales Of Chivalry 01 - A Knight's Tale
09. Daring Tales Of Chivalry 02 - Death At The Joust
10. Deadlands - Dime Novel 01 - Beast Of Fire
11. Deadlands - Dime Novel 02 - Deadshot
12. Deadlands - Dime Novel 03 - Frostbite
13. Deadlands Reloaded! - Coffin Rock
14. Deadlands Reloaded! - Core
15. Evernight
16. Fantasy Bestiary Toolkit
17. Fantasy Character Generator Toolkit
18. Fantasy Gear Toolkit
19. Fantasy World Builder Toolkit
20. Freeport Companion
21. Horror Bestiary Toolkit
22. Horror Gm's Toolkit
23. Last Rites Of The Black Guard
24. Low Life (NOOCR)
25. Modern Ops
26. Necessary Evil
27. Necropolis
28. Pinebox Adventures - Bloodlines
29. Pinebox Adventures - Chickens In The Mist
30. Pinebox Adventures - Ed's Midnight Tales
31. Pinebox Adventures - Green's Guide To Ghosts
32. Pinebox Adventures - Innana's Kiss
33. Pinebox Adventures - Jerry's Midnight Tales
34. Pinebox Adventures - Skinwalker
35. Pinebox Adventures - The Beast Within
36. Pinebox Adventures - Weekend Warriors
37. Pirates Of The Spanish Main
38. Powers & Perils 01 - Orwell Industries
39. Pulp Gear Toolkit
40. Pulp Gm's Toolkit
41. Ravaged Earth
42. Rippers - Black Ankh
43. Rippers - Companion
44. Rippers - Death On Dartmoor
45. Rippers - The Laughter Of Death
46. Rippers - The Night Of Thoth
47. Rippers - The Templar Legacy
48. Rippers - The Third Hand
49. Rippers
50. Runepunk
51. Savage Features - Out Of Sight
52. Savage Features - The Last Round
53. Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition
54. Savage Worlds Revised
55. Sci-Fi Bestiary Toolkit
56. Sci-Fi Gear Toolkit
57. Sci-Fi World Builder Toolkit
58. Shaintar - Immortal Legends
59. Sla Industries
60. Slipstream
61. Sundered Skies
62. The Crown Of Alice
63. The Savage West
64. The Savage Worlds Of Solomon Kane - Travelers' Tales
65. The Savage Worlds Of Solomon Kane
66. Tour Of Darkness
67. Weird War Ii - Blood On The Rhine (NOOCR)
68. Weird War Ii - Dead From Above (NOOCR)
69. Weird War Ii - Hell In The Hedgerows
70. Weird War Ii - Horrors Of Weird War Two
71. Weird War Ii - Mission Manual 01 - Bridge Across Time
72. Weird War Ii - Mission Manual 02 - Ice Fang
73. Weird War Ii - Mission Manual 03 - Gods Of Destruction
74. Weird War Ii - Mission Manual 04 - Demonic Artillery
01. Back East - The North
02. Back East - The South
03. Bloody Ol' Muddy (NOOCR)
04. Book O' The Dead
05. Boomtowns
06. Canyon O' Doom
07. City O' Gloom (NOOCR)
08. Dead Presidents (NOOCR)
09. Deadlands D20 - The Weird West Core Rulebook (NOOCR)
10. Devils Tower 1 - Road To Hell
11. Devils Tower 2 - Heart Of Darkness
12. Devils Tower 3 - Fortress O' Fear (NOOCR)
13. Dime Novel 01 - Perdition's Daughter
14. Dime Novel 02 - Independence Day
15. Dime Novel 03 - Night Train
16. Dime Novel 04 - Under A Harrowed Moon 01 - Strange Bedfellows (NOOCR)
17. Dime Novel 05 - Under A Harrowed Moon 02 - Savage Passage (NOOCR)
18. Dime Novel 06 - Under A Harrowed Moon 03 - Ground Zero (NOOCR)
19. Dime Novel 07 - The Forbidden God
20. Dime Novel 08 - Adios A-Mi-Go
21. Dime Novel 09 - Skinners
22. Dime Novel 10 - Worms!
23. Doomtown Or Bust
24. Fire And Brimstone
25. Ghost Busters (NOOCR)
26. Ghost Dancers (NOOCR)
27. Hexarcana
28. Horrors O' The Weird West (NOOCR)
29. Hucksters And Hexes
30. Law Dogs
31. Lone Stars, The Texas Rangers
32. Lost Angels
33. Marshal Law (NOOCR)
34. Marshal's Handbook
35. Players Guide
36. Rain O' Terror
37. Rascals, Varmints And Critters 2 - The Book Of Curses
38. Rascals, Varmints And Critters
39. River O' Blood
40. Smith And Robards
41. South O' The Border
42. Tales O' Terror 1877
43. The Agency - Men In Black Dusters
44. The Black Circle - Unholy Alliance
45. The Collegium
46. The Epitaph 01 (NOOCR)
47. The Epitaph 02 (NOOCR)
48. The Epitaph 03
49. The Epitaph 04
50. The Great Maze (NOOCR)
51. The Great Weird North
52. The Way Of The Brave (NOOCR)
53. The Way Of The Dead (NOOCR)
54. The Way Of The Gun (NOOCR)
55. The Way Of The Huckster (NOOCR)
56. The Way Of The New Science (NOOCR)
57. The Way Of The Righteous (NOOCR)
58. The Weird West Core Rulebook (NOOCR)
Deadlands - Hell On Earth
01. Brainburners (NOOCR)
02. Children O' The Atom
03. City O' Sin
04. Core Rulebook
05. Cyborgs
06. D20 - Core Rulebook
07. Denver
08. Dime Novel 01 - Leftovers (NOOCR)
09. Dime Novel 02 - Infestations (NOOCR)
10. Dime Novel 03 - Killer Clowns
11. Hell Or High Water
12. Iron Oasis
13. Monsters, Muties And Misfits
14. Road Warriors
15. Shattered Coast
16. Something About A Sword (NOOCR)
17. Spirit Warriors
18. The Boise Horror (NOOCR)
19. The Junkman Cometh
20. The Last Crusaders
21. The Unity
22. The Wasted West
23. Urban Renewal
24. Waste Warriors
Deadlands - Lost Colony
01. Companion
02. Core Rulebook

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