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Neil Strauss a.k.a. Style - Rules of the Game [2007, PDF]
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Автор:  kotiar [ 2011-11-27 15:06 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Neil Strauss a.k.a. Style - Rules of the Game [2007, PDF]

Rules of the Game

Год выпуска: 2007
Автор: Neil Strauss a.k.a. Style
Издательство: Harper
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 130
Описание: If you want to play the Game, you've got to know the Rules.
In his international bestseller The Game, Neil Strauss delved into the secret world of pick-up artists--men who have created a science out of the art of seduction. Not only did he reveal the techniques that they had developed, but he became a master of The Game, and the world's No. 1 PUA, as Style.
Now, in his first follow-up to The Game, comes an extraordinary package: A lavishly produced, two-volume pocket-size set that every pickup artist--accomplished or aspiring--will need to have. The first book, The Stylelife Challenge, is the manual Strauss thought he'd never write: the ultimate guide to landing the woman of your dreams. Bound in white leatherette, it offers an in-depth 30-day program, Strauss challenges readers to confront their insecurities and overcome them through a process of rigorous self-examination, briefings and field missions.
In the second book, Strauss takes readers into the dark side of The Game. Bound in black leatherette, The Style Diaries offers a series of tales of seduction and sexual (mis)adventure. From accidentally getting married during a drunken night in Reykjavik, to luring a famous musician's granddaughter into a threesome; from conducting a keenly felt and tender relationship over email, to the stress and frustration of the torturous and highly unorthodox "30 Day Sex Experiment," The Style Diaries takes you further into the seduction underworld than ever before, and delves where The Game never dared to tread: into the even more complicated rules of relationships.
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